Available at Crocodile Market Maria’s homemade treats and more

Scrumptious Dog Treats

Reading etc for travelling folks

There have been questions about available books and games for the travelling snowbirds.  There is an exchange at Barloventos and the library in Chicxulub.

A local expat Amy 999 362 0943 has books and games in exchange for dog food.

Local food like breaded shrimp and poc chuc can be purchased at Fito’s calle 25 x 68 y 70 from Wed to Sun Delivery is available.

After the fire at the Peón Contreras theater, what’s next?

November 6, 2022

Some fire damage can be seen on the ceiling of a side balcony following a fire at Mérida’s historic Peón Contreras theater. Photo: Lee Steele / Yucatán Magazine

Updated 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 2:

Walk by the Teatro José Peón Contreras and you’d never know there was a fire the day before.

Except for some caution tape at a side employee entrance, and a few police cars idling nearby, the historic theater site appeared normal. From the outside, the only fire damage to be seen was on the ceiling of a south-facing balcony.

The roof of the Teatro José Peón Contreras shows only soot the morning after a fire that struck the historic theater. Photo: Carlos Rosado van der Gracht / Yucatán Magazine

Soot could be seen on the roof, with the help of a drone camera. Lights were on at the ground-floor restaurant, which was open for business.

The restaurant within the Peón Contreras appears open the morning after a fire on an upper-level of the building made headlines. Photo: Lee Steele / Yucatán Magazine

Officials have not commented on the condition of the performance area, and if scheduled productions are viable.

The Teatro José Peón Contreras shows little sign of exterior damage the morning after a fire that threatens the remainder of the symphony season. Photo: Lee Steele / Yucatán Magazine

While the fire appeared contained to the top floor, water and smoke could have damaged lower levels of the building.

A ladder truck helps firefighters reach the blaze at the Peón Contreras theater Tuesday afternoon. Photo: Facebook

5 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 2:

The state and federal governments are pledging to help restore Mérida’s famed Teatro José Peón Contreras after a fire damaged much of the building late Tuesday afternoon.

The fire was attributed to a short circuit and appeared confined to the upper floor. 

The building — a major hub of Mérida culture — was closed when the fire started, and employees were evacuated, with no injuries reported. 

A fire damaged parts of the Teatro José Peón Contreras Tuesday afternoon. Photo: Facebook

No flames were visible from the streets, which were blocked off by emergency personnel. Dense clouds of black smoke could be seen for miles, rising from the roof. Damage to the auditorium, dressing rooms, and stage was not reported.

While streets were blocked off, firefighters used a ladder truck with a pump capable of delivering more than 4,700 liters of water per minute to douse the flames. 

The blaze possibly endangers the second half of the Yucatán Symphony Orchestra season. A “Scottish Fantasy” performance was planned for Nov. 11. The theater has been the official home of the orchestra since 2004, where it stages philharmonic, operatic, and ballet performances.

Mérida’s Teatro José Peón Contreras. Photo: Getty

Today, officials are expected to inspect the entire building to see what of the year’s cultural calendar can be salvaged.

The fire has made headlines internationally. Shortly after the fire was reported, the heads of the state and national ministries of culture pledged their support to restore the theater. 

“We regret the fire at the Teatro Peón Contreras, the only property in the Mexican southeast declared an Artistic Monument since 1977, a jewel of architecture and cultural life in Mexico,” said Alejandra Frausto, head of Mexico’s Ministery of Culture. 

Mérida’s Teatro José Peón Contreras. Photo: Courtesy

The theater, modeled after an Italian opera house, is one of Yucatán’s most treasured historic landmarks. Inaugurated in 1908, the Peón Contreras theater was reopened in the 1980s after massive renovations.

In addition to performances, the Peón Contreras is a part of social history: In 1916, the country’s first Feminist Congress was held at the theater. 

Tuesday’s fire is not the theater’s first. In 2009, it cost 3 million pesos to repair the stage after a fire wrecked floorboards, curtains, technical equipment, and scenery for the opera “The Barber of Seville.”

The theater, on Calle 60 and 57 in the historic center, is named for the Yucatecan playwright and writer, José Peón Contreras (1843-1907).

For Sale:

Gel bed topper, size double.  It works well for a King size bed if you turn it side ways.  We would like $100.00  Canadian or $80.00 American. Let me know. Carol

FGR and National Guard carry out police operation against “Huachicol” in Progreso
By Yucatan Times on October 28, 2022
An unusual event occurred this Thursday at sunset on “Victor Cervera Pacheco” Avenue, as several authorities appeared, among them the Criminal Investigation Agency of the Federal Attorney General’s Office (FGR), with the support of elements of the National Guard, with the objective of a search of a land where oil refining was allegedly taking place.

It was one of the many plots of land located in this part of the city, where the investigations were carried out, with tape being placed and more and more uniformed officers arriving, which caused more than one resident to go outside their property to witness this.

As it happens in this type of eventualities, secrecy was part of what was exercised by the elements in security matters that attended the operation, however, it was reported that more than 15 vehicles including trucks, trailers, and pipes were secured for the alleged handling of illegally extracted fuel.

It was reported that in this area, there are still several “planchas” where trailers and large trucks are usually parked, although it was the discovery of an abandoned pipe with fuel that triggered the suspicions that led to this operation.

It was noteworthy that the event took place on 39th Street between 62nd and 64th, just a few meters from educational institutions such as the 14th Multiple Attention Center and the Progreso High School, where there were still young people who witnessed the operation from their distant classrooms.

Previously, specifically during the first four months of last year, the authorities had been present in this way, but on the federal highway from Merida to Progreso, where it was constantly reported that there were illegal fuel connections that gave rise to huachicol by residents near Progreso’s police stations.

Dengue on the rise in the Yucatan: one case every 4 hours last week Yucatan Times October 28, 2022

The accelerated increase of dengue fever in the entity caused that during the past week a case was confirmed every four hours, the highest figure from the end of 2019 to date, revealed the Federal Health Secretariat.

Likewise, the deadly disease is already affecting 24 municipalities, as the first cases were detected in Celestún, Dzilam de Bravo and Progreso.

Fortunately, so far, there have been no deaths in the Yucatan Peninsula as a result of this lethal pathology.
The lethal disease is absent in six states of the country, and affects the entire south-southeast of the country, and in the case of the Yucatan Peninsula, there are 533 confirmed cases so far.

Up to the 42nd epidemiological week, there were 8,458 accumulated confirmed cases in the country, with an increase of 124.47 percent with respect to the same period in 2021, when the total was 3,768.

In the Yucatan Peninsula, such ailment transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes was confirmed in 533 people, of which, 253 are from Quintana Roo; 222 are from Yucatan, and the remaining 58 are from Campeche.

Of the total number of cases in Yucatan, 24 are distributed in 24 municipalities, such as Abalá, Buctzotz, Chemax, Chichimilá, Cuncunul, Espita, Izamal, Kanasín, Maxcanú, Mérida, Peto, Teabo, Tekax, Temozón, Timucuy Tinum, Tizimín, Tzucacab, Ucú, Umán and Valladolid, but as of this week, Celestún, Dzilam de Bravo and Progreso are included.

According to the “Panorama Epidemiológico de Dengue”, the greatest problem is registered in Sonora, with 1,365 cases, 16.14 percent; the State of Mexico, with 1,276 infected, 15.09 percent; Veracruz, with 1,188 infected, 14.05 percent; and Chiapas, with 765 positives, 9.04 percent.
Quintana Roo is in eleventh place in the national table, Yucatan is in 12th place, while Campeche is in 16th place.

So far, 14 deaths have been confirmed, distributed in seven states, and only in Oaxaca there are seven deaths, while in Morelos there are two, and the rest are in the State of Mexico, Guerrero, Sinaloa, Tabasco and Veracruz.

Thought this was past us!!

Surviving YucatanFri 2022-11-04 7:30 AM?

Site logo imageSurviving Yucatan2 New COVID Subvariants Spreading in the USA and the Best Ways to Avoid COVID InfectionsyucalandiaNov, 4, 2022 Latest COVID Updates:
The new Omicron B2.1 & Omicron B2.1.1 subvarients are “poised to become dominant” this winter.CDC has been tracking the spread of 12 different new COVID subvariants viruses these past 2 months, and they announced this morning that two (2) of them are starting small outbreaks around the USA the last two weeks, as we begin to spend more time inside due to cooler temperatures.Because these 2 new COVID subvariants “appear to be 2X times to 7X times more immune evasive than the BA.5 subvariant“, “it’s likely that people who have been vacinated or had a prior COVID infection will still get infected by these 2 new subvariants“.**Vaccine Effects:
Doctors hope that the latest ‘Bivalent’ COVID vaccine booster will help give some protection against COVID hospitalizations & death, but there is no evidence of this for Omichron B2.1 and B2.1.1.**As such, the 2 best proven ways to not get the 2 new COVID subvariants is to wear a tight fitting N95 grade or better mask, or maintain 8 ft of Social Distancing when in indoor spaces.These 2 new COVID subvariants are primarily transmitted by people talking, emitting 1000’s of invisible fine aerosols that continue to float around infectious in indoor spaces for 4 – 6 hours after the infected person was talking, unless there is a lot of air turnover to dilute the invisible aerosols to safe levels.https://www.npr.org/2022/11/04/1134238924/these-two-omicron-subvariants-could-be-the-source-of-another-covid-surgeThe wrong mask to wear ** … Use only N95 or better masks.Ongoing Scientific Factual Conclusions:
Except for protection by wearing tight-fitting masks & Socially Distancing, unfortunately Omicron COVID is rewriting most of what non-scientist Medical Doctors have been telling people the past 2 years. Example: Many so-called ‘experts’ previously told us that COVID would supposedly mutate to milder & milder, supposedly less contagious strains. This has proven to be absolutely false … again.’Expert’ Medical Doctors (who are not scientists) also mistakenly told us that having a prior infection would protect us, which has proven to be absolutely false, especially with the most recent Omicron BA.2, BA.2.12.1, BA.5 and now BA2.1 & BA2.1.1.**Remember that ‘expert’ Medical Doctors on TV (who are not scientists) told us to “Wash your hands & use hand sanitizer“, actions which provide and provided absolutely no protection from COVID, because COVID is only transmitted by inhaling invisible fine aerosols from people talking or singing.Remember how ‘expert’ Medical Doctors on TV (who are not scientists) mistakenly told us to “Wear your cloth masks.” for 2 full years from July 2020 – July 2022, even though the last 40 yrs of scientific testing shows that cloth masks leak horriblyproviding almost no protection from inhaled viruses.The ‘expert’ non-scientist Medical Doctors unfortunately ignored that it is proven that it takes at least 12 layers of cloth to equal just one layer of N95 material … And yes, Medical Doctors ignored all these known proven facts on these things, even though they were published in the first month of COVID back in March, 2020:https://yucalandia.com/2020/03/30/how-to-keep-yourself-safe-from-covid-19-sars-cov-2/Remember how ‘expert’ Medical Doctors (who are not scientists) told us to “Disinfect EVERYTHING” back in 2020 … which provides absolutely no protection from COVID, because the only way to stop COVID transmissions is to inhale no COVID aerosols, or to inhale only very small amounts COVID’s highly-infectious invisible fine aerosols.Because COVID’s invisible fine aerosols persist indoors by floating around infectious for 4 to 6 HOURS AFTER a COVID infected person talks, sings, or wheezes, then either fine high quality tight masks, or diluting out the aerosols by Social Distancing, breezes or fans are the only real solutions to not getting infected.* * * * * * *Get educated … Stay informed … Stay healthy …Dr. Steven M. FryPh.D. in Chemistry, Public Health, & Laboratory Measurement Science.Coming to a clinic near you, this Fall or Winter
… COVID boosters designed to stop Omicron BA.5 !