The first Pok ta Pok court in the entire country is in Progreso, Yucatán..Yucatan Times May 18, 2024 

The Paraíso community in the municipality of Progreso is the place for showing, preserving, and transmitting to new generations as well as tourists, one of the most important rituals of the ancient Maya civilization: the Sacred Ball Game or “Pok ta Pok“.  See more

Recently, Mayor Roger Gómez Ortegón, municipal authorities, and indigenous representatives went to the area where the first court for the Mayan ball game Pok Ta Pok was built in the entire country, after 1,200 years of Chichen Itzá’s climax, this court will contribute to the education and promotion of the Maya Culture nationwide.

Pok Ta Pok is a Mesoamerican ball game, it was played on a rectangular court; The objective was to pass a rubber ball through a vertical hoop without using your hands or feet. It was an important practice with ceremonial and religious connotations since it was linked to beliefs in the underworld for the ancient Mayans.

In this context, the first ball game was held, which took place on the new 30 by 15-meter field, which is oriented north-south, due to the Mayan worldview. Before the demonstration, the Mayan governor and teacher: Jesús Campos Núñez and José Manrique Esquivel, respectively, thanked the municipal authorities for supporting the project, because in addition to having a ritual and religious meaning, it will be a way to honor the gods and to bring new generations closer to their roots.

“We are grateful for supporting this project of a Pok Ta Pok ceremonial field, known as the Mayan ball game, which is an ancient Mayan ceremony to venerate and thank the gods for everything that nature, the cosmos, and the universe,” explained Campos Núñez.

He specified: “Our role as indigenous representatives is that these projects become a reality with the help of the governments that manage the resources, approaching us with respect. Today we see the first field in Yucatan where we are going to see the native dances, ball games, and ceremonies that bring us closer to our Mayan Culture and our Yucatecan people who have Mayan roots.”

He concluded by highlighting that, thanks to the will of the current administration, this project that was presented three months ago is a reality today, and everyone can feel proud since the ball game promoted physical, mental, and strategic skills. , which made it a learning and development tool for young people, so, by representing it currently, the aim is to make new generations interested in learning it. Next, a Mayan ceremony was held to bless the place, so that later the mayor and a player performed the first serve, rebound, and historic hit of the rubber ball; a performance that took attendees back to those times of the Mayan civilization.   TYT Newsroom


March 19, 2024, 
PROGRESO.— Given the need that exists in Progreso for a modern transportation system that meets the demands of users, Felipe Pech , municipal head of the sector, said that there is a project for the arrival of the Go and Come (Va y Ven) system to the port.

He said that there is progress towards making it happen. Studies have already been done and the routes have have been defined.

According to what has been determined, the routes would cover the most important sectors of the city. The buses would pass by the supermarkets, the Health Center, the Prosecutor’s Office, the city center, the market, the Municipal Palace and the Technological Palace , among others.

It would travel from the center of Chicxulub Puerto to Yucalpetén and back.  This means that the buses currently in circulation would be replaced. However, the Vans or combis would remain, which would function to link the neighborhoods through which the Va y Ven does not pass.

“The bases are in place, it is feasible that the Come and Go will arrive. We have done the impact study and there is availability from the concessionaires, which is the most important thing,” he indicated.

“It is not just about arriving and removing the concession, because although they have obligations they also have rights that include exploiting the route for a certain period of time,” indicated the interviewee.

However, although most of the foundations for the arrival of Va y Ven to Progreso are already practically laid, there is economic difficulty.

The head of Transportation in Progreso stated that each of the buses has an approximate cost of 4.5 million pesos , that is, to be able to fit the 10 units planned for the port circuit, 45 million pesos are needed.

PROGRESO.— In an interview at the site where an accident occurred between a motorcycle taxi and a minivan yesterday, on 29th and 62nd streets in the Ismael García neighborhood, the head of the Progreso Transportation Department, Felipe Pech González , indicated that the arrival The “Va y Ven” Transportation System would solve the issue of public transportation.

He stated that the locals requested that motorcycle taxi services be activated in Progreso and in its police stations, because they consider that the current public transportation units do not have adequate conditions for the transfer of passengers.

However, Pech González assured that the circulation of this type of vehicles in the port is not the solution either due to the risk of danger they represent for users and “as an example, just one button is enough”, in reference to the crash he witnessed.

When will the “Va y Ven” arrive in Progreso?
When asked what the solution would be, he stressed that it would undoubtedly be the arrival of the “Va y Ven” Transportation System, a project that has been in the works for two years, “but due to various factors it has not been possible.”

Among them is the issue of Progreso concessionaires. Although they are willing to listen to proposals and offers to transfer the service, as happened with the Mérida Truckers Alliance , they realized that it is difficult to provide the service due to the constantly rising costs of diesel.

Another factor is the maintenance of the units’ parts and engines, which would facilitate negotiations with Progreso permit holders.

The official added that to smooth the arrival of the “Va y Ven” in Progreso, there would have to be a budget to liquidate all the permit holders.

Felipe Pech González stressed that the progress in planning the project so that it can operate on the streets of Progreso is around 70%, given that the routes have already been planned. However, he did not reveal if they will be different or if the current ones will remain.

Several studies have even been carried out to verify that the circulation of trucks is feasible.

Another point that he mentioned is about investment, since maintaining each truck has a high cost, so it would be necessary to have sufficient resources to supply the routes.

“It may not be in this administration, but ultimately, there is a good chance that the ‘Va y Ven’ System could reach the port. Many people request it and we are ready to take that step,” he concluded.— ABRAHAM ISMAEL RAZ HERRERA

In Valladolid it will begin operations on April 16, with 15 blue buses for the benefit of more than 6,000 users.

In the same month, 10 buses will circulate in the municipality for the benefit of 5,000 users, and Tekax, with 15 electric buses, smaller than the Ie-Tram, for the benefit of 2,500 users.

In Merida police stations

Next May, the circulation of units will begin that will cover the following routes: Komchén – Scientific Park, Dzununcán – Tahdzibichén, Komchén – Sac Nicté, Sierra Papacal – Caucel.

The “Va y ven” Public Transportation System will arrive in the south of Mérida with the Poniente Circuit, Plazas and UniversitiesPublished 10 months ago he Jul 10, 2023By Progress Today

Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal presented the incorporation of the Poniente Circuit, Plazas and Universities to the “Va y ven” Public Transportation System, which will begin operating on July 15.

-For the first time, this route will have a social rate and in support of the family economy, it will be free for the first week.

-With the “Va y ven” public transportation system, Yucatán reached the largest number of social fare credentials, meaning that more and more Yucatecans are spending less to travel.

MÉRIDA.- With the operation of 30 new and modern units, the Public Transportation System “Va y ven” will arrive in the south of Mérida, when Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal presented the incorporation of the Poniente Circuit, Plazas and Universities to the Public Transportation System “Va y ven”, which will begin operating on July 15, to reduce waiting times and provide faster, more comfortable and efficient transfers, as part of the transformation that Yucatán is undergoing with a service that lives up to what it expects. The Yucatecans deserve.

From the Centennial Park of the Benito Juárez Mexican Army, Vila Dosal provided the details of this circuit that, in support of the families’ economy, will be free for a week, during the trial period of the service to guarantee the best conditions and, therefore, For the first time, it will have a social rate, meaning that more and more Yucatecans spend less on this service.

Regarding the transformation of public transportation that is seen and felt in the state today, the Governor pointed out that the largest number of credentials in the history of the state was reached, practically doubling it, going from just over 59 thousand to 106,821 credentials. students, older adults and people with disabilities.

“In Yucatán there was no more important need than serving public transportation, because a well-done service can improve your quality of life, but when it is poor it can worsen the lives of the inhabitants, that is why, working as a team, today we are making a transcendental change not only for public transportation, but in the lives of many families who are benefiting from quality units that are for all of you,” said the Governor.

Accompanied by the Mayor of Mérida, Renán Barrera Concha, Vila Dosal indicated that transportation is becoming more accessible thanks to electronic payment, since now users can have savings with the discount system in which the first trip is paid in full and During the next two hours, the user only pays half for the second trip and the third and fourth transfers are free of charge, explained the Governor.

“Before, the one who had the least and lived the furthest away was the one who paid the most fares to be able to travel and that is over because now we have these transfer discounts with which the one who has the least will pay the same as the one who lives in Mérida and we do this so that there is social justice and that families who have less can also enjoy these benefits,” Vila Dosal stated before members of business chambers.

The great change we are making, Vila Dosal continued, is that today the Yucatecans can see the difference between what there was before and what we are doing now and the important thing is that, after this, the Yucatecans already know what they deserve and May they never settle for less again, on the contrary, to improve more and more, indicated the Governor.

In this framework, he recognized the council of this route and thanked them for their willingness to join the “Go and come” initiative, which is a great effort that is carried out together, since the State Government puts a 10% down payment and pays per kilometer, so that the buses now make their complete routes and the social fare for users is respected. In addition to improving the drivers’ working conditions with a significant increase in their salary, they now have social security and all the legal benefits.

Before citizens, the Governor reaffirmed that “this commitment does not stop. On the contrary, we are not going to stop. Next August we will start with new routes and the “Va y ven” will arrive in Ciudad Caucel and Umán. There are already 160 new buses that we have incorporated to date and the goal is that in October of next year we will have 648 new public transportation units operating in the state.”

Finally, the Governor called on users to take care of the new units, not vandalize or paint the buses or the “Va y Ven” ATMs and recalled that the State Congress approved a new law to punish those who damage public transportation. which belongs to all Yucatecans with sentences from 6 months to 6 years in prison and fines of 5 to 50 thousand pesos.

When providing a report on how the “Go and come” system is progressing, the general director of the Mobility Institute for Territorial Urban Development (Imdut), Rafael Hernández Kotasek, pointed out that each week more than 400 thousand trips are generated on the routes “ Go and Come”; The average age of the population that uses it is 37 years old and 18.4% use these routes 5 or more times per week, the average wait is 15 minutes and the main reason for use is to go to work and studies.

“The Poniente Circuit, Plazas and Universities will have a schedule from Monday to Sunday from 5 in the morning to 11 at night with frequencies of 6 minutes on average and 121 defined stops over a length of more than 52 kilometers. It is the longest circuit in the metropolitan area and its coverage is 106 neighborhoods, 21,554 homes, 7,078 economic units, 178 schools, connects to 90 bus and van routes, reaching a total population of 55,737 people,” Hernández specified. Kotasek.

The benefits will be that, with the “Come and go” system, this circuit will go from operating with 22 units to 30; The frequency will be 6 minutes when before it was 15; Its capacity increases from 52 to 81 people; Payment will be electronic and the route can be monitored through the application. In addition, the units will have universal accessibility measures and environmental certifications to guarantee quality service, and free internet service will begin to be applied in this circuit.

The state official indicated that traveling modules will be installed from July 15 to August 5 in the Ecological del Poniente, Centenario Mexican Army, Colonia Maya and the Baseball Field parks at Francisco I. Madero. Likewise, the population can process their credential at the fixed modules located in the Transportation Directorate, the Los Paseos Linear Park, the Va y Ven Offices on Avenida Reforma and the Plazas de Las Américas, Fiesta and Oriente.

In his speech, the Mayor of Mérida, Renán Barrera Concha, reaffirmed his commitment to working together with the State Government and the different sectors of society to raise the quality of life of the families of the municipality, mainly on issues such as safe urban mobility. , quality public services, economic development and better roads.

He recalled that, in the municipal administrations that he has headed, the Comprehensive Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (PIMUS) was enriched to include actions that promote harmonious coexistence between pedestrians, bicycle and car drivers, as well as public passenger transportation. Likewise, work is currently underway on the rehabilitation of the main roads in Mérida to improve accessibility between neighborhoods and police stations.

“That is why today we celebrate that Mérida has a better and more modern public transportation service that speeds up the mobility of those who travel this way to their jobs, schools or homes every day,” said Barrera Concha.

The new 30 Mercedes-Benz units that will come into operation are inclusive and environmentally friendly; They have ramps, bicycle racks and electronic payment through a smart card, which can be purchased and recharged at any ATM, the nearest Oxxo, without commission, and now, the same in Dunosusa stores.

They are universally accessible, having a low and tactile floor, a ramp for wheelchairs, signage in Braille and both seats and preferential spaces for people with disabilities, older adults and short stature. In addition, they have LED light announcements, which indicate the route name; USB chargers; GPS equipment, for tracking with the “Go and come” application; security cameras, and electronic collection equipment, which will prevent the driver from being distracted, speed up trips and help plan expenses.

The Poniente Circuit, Plazas and Universities, joins the Periférico, Night, Airport, Metropolitan Circuit, Las Américas Routes and those that go from the Center to Pensiones, Komchén, CRIT and Francisco de Montejo, to improve mobility in the city, with Faster transfers and less waiting time.

Ruta 1 and Ruta 2 

From Chicxulub and Back…as an effort to work with Va y Ven in Progreso, the combi drivers have created these 2 new routes that are difficult to get a grip of! I will give it my best shot to get the correct info!!!