The house has been abuzz with the youth volunteers with Carmita prepping and delivering packages to 2 areas in Yucatan.
Junior Volunteers with Carmita

First stop of the Mission Day ! Tusic, Yucatan. Thank you to all the pre-volunteers and volunteers who took the time to make the selection of all the donations raised to make these trips possible. We thank the Commissioner of the community as well as his daughter, for all the attention. In the same way we thank all the people who made donations (clothes), since thanks to that it is possible to bring the help to the communities, thank you very much we invite you to share the publications so that more people know about this great work.

Second stop of the Mission day! Tixbacab, Yucatan. Thank you to all the pre-volunteers and volunteers who took the time to make the selection of all the donations raised to make these trips possible. In the same way, to all the people who made donations (clothes) we invite you to share the publications so that more people know about this great work.

Meeting with volunteers who wish to help out. Discussed many items and how to make it happen. We have groups
to assist at the Monday bazaars, weekly bingos, general tidying, mission trips, dispensa preps and

Meeting with New Volunteers
We had a meeting of interested volunteers for the programs and it was marvellous!! At least 11 volunteers signed up and it seems like the programs are covered for the season. Better yet everyone wanted to get started right away!!
Thank you all who came out to yesterday’s meeting, your support and suggestions are greatly appreciated. For the Monday clean up day at 9:30, you will need the following items, swifers, rags, brooms, ladder, cleaning products and vacuum or mini vacuum.
So on Monday will be the first event of cleaning the house to get things ready for the Christmas hampers and mission visits!! I am so excited!! And I will remember to take photos.
Well I forgot to take photos and the task is to be done next Monday. By then the newsletter will be sent so will have photos next month!!!
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