San Joachim Nursing HomeThe work crew for the old folk’s home in Progreso is once again alive. Serge, Tony and I met the Madre Raquel on Wednesday to discuss projects for this year. Most of the work entails painting and repairing the outside walls and furniture...

Summer Happenings

“Huancho” is the name of the huge crocodile that wanders the streets of Chicxulub Puerto written by Yucatan Times June 26, 2024 0 comment  Bookmark The appearance of another huge crocodile in Progreso was announced on social media, this time...
Activities at the House

Activities at the House

Wow with all this rain and heat there has been an increase in mosquitos and dengue fever.  Before doing the summer workshops for the kids we had to get the house fumigated!  Well wasn’t easy but we found a local fumigator to do the job!!!  Yahoo...


Known by many names and for various roles, Plaza Grande is ever-changing Culture | History Known by many names and for various roles, Plaza Grande is ever-changing ByYucatán Magazine After its radical renovation over the last few months and ahead...

June Dispensa

It was a quiet, warm Saturday for dispensas and we were done by 10ish.  Carmita began at 8 when people began to arrive.