Another season goes by! And we say adios to Mary and John. These prime organizers have decided to move on to a nw chapter in their lives. So now there are several positions open to keep this program alive.
Hold the press!!! Yesterday this came through…
Hi again, Sharon!
I am delighted to be able to tell you that the grade 6 team has formed a committee to coordinate the English Language Program at Andres Quintana Roo Escuela.
We met today … I have every confidence that the program is in very competent hands! At this time, their contact is Rebecca Gleason in Chicxulub .
They will not be needing to store the education buckets at the Food Bank House as many of them live here full time and are making space in their casas.
How exciting!
New volunteer positions are available:
an English contact person …
- to keep a list of people interested in volunteering along with their survey responses which indicate where their interests and strengths lay.
- to share that information with lead teachers when they’re looking for volunteers to support their grade level programs
a Spanish contact person …
- to speak with the Directora / Principal at Andres Quintana Roo Escuela and set dates of instruction for the English language program
- to ensure that there is an adequate room available for teams to use
- to share this information with the lead teachers and their teams of volunteers
- to oversee the packing and storage of program equipment at the Food Bank at the end of each season and the movement of these supplies before the beginning of each season. (At present, the Food Bank is open on Mondays from 9am to noon … and the school room can be opened from 12:30 pm on.
Summary from this season:
We’ve had another wonderful experience at Andres Quintana Roo Primary School in Chicxulub! For at least 15 years, snowbirds and expats have worked with the afternoon students in grades 4 through 6, their teachers, and the Directora, to promote and provide introductory English instruction one hour a week over 8 weeks from mid January through mid March. We’d have happily worked longer but Semana Santa is early this year.
The curriculum at each grade level includes words and phrases for meeting and greeting people, family and friends. It builds year to year to include simple sentences such as ‘I have’, ‘I do not have’, ‘I can’, ‘I cannot’, ‘do you have’ etc. As well, the students get some practice in counting in English. The program is mostly oral. The students are encouraged to talk, talk, talk – to their teachers and to each other – through games and singing.
The goal of the programme is to have the students become comfortable hearing and speaking simple English words and phrases so that they may greet visitors to their pueblo and as a support for their future endeavours in the work force.
Thank you, one and all, for this happy, productive, successful season!
Newsflash: Plans are already being made to provide this opportunity again next winter. The Committee, a group comprised of the majority of the existing Grade 6 team, have volunteered to spend additional time and energy to take on the role of Coordinator of the program. Hats off to Rebecca Gleason and all for ensuring the continued success of this worthwhile venture! Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available!
Grade 6

Grade 5 volunteer prep

Grade 4

Grade 5

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