After one century, Yucatán will finally have enough energy to lower electricity rates
written by Yucatan Times January 26, 2024 0 comment

After almost 100 years of lag, Yucatán will have enough energy to lower electricity rates in favor of Yucatecan families with the two new Combined Cycle plants and they are the result of the efforts of Governor Vila Dosal before the Federation.
Currently, the Mérida IV Plant is being built, which will have a capacity of 499 MW and is already 75% complete, so it is estimated that it will begin operations in November 2024, while the Valladolid Plant, which will have a capacity of 1,020 MW and has a progress of 73%, to be ready in January 2025. In total they represent an investment of more than 1.2 billion dollars.
Likewise, work is being done on growth in the volume of natural gas to have enough for the growth and investments that the entity is receiving, since we would be receiving 940% more than in the previous administration.
The Cuxtal II Project contemplates the construction of 700 kilometers of pipeline with 3 new compression stations and 2 new measurement stations, which would double the transportation capacity of the Mayakan System in the Peninsula, going from 250 million cubic feet per day to 520 million.
In addition, the Mayakan pipeline has already been connected through the Cuxtal 1 gas pipeline to the National Gas transportation system (SISTRANGAS) and this allows the current gas demand of 250 MMPCD to be covered. 1.5 billion dollars are invested in this project.
The expansion of the Progreso Deep Sea Port will boost the state’s economy: Yucatan Times January 26, 2024
The people of Yucatán, as a team with the Government headed by Mauricio Vila Dosal, have written a story of change and transformation, building and launching the infrastructure that will mark the course of development and well-being for all the families of our state in the years to come.The modernization and expansion of the Progreso High Port, which will become one of the most important in Latin America and will open a new commercial border between Yucatán and the United States.
Yucatán will have a before and after with the modernization and expansion of the Progreso Deep Sea Port, a project that will transform the state for the next 30 years since it will bring important benefits and boost the generation of jobs in the logistics branches. and tourist.With this work, Yucatán will increase its competitive advantages, as it will be able to receive larger commercial ships and reduce logistics costs since the platform will be expanded from 32 to 72 hectares and dredging will be carried out to reach a depth of 13 meters and the width of the access channel from 150 to 180 meters to receive larger cargo ships and cruise ships. All this through an investment of more than 3,063 million pesos.
By having a more competitive draft worldwide, this site will have the capacity to accommodate larger vessels; Currently, ships enter with loads of 36,000 to 40,000 tons, but with these improvements, it will be possible to reach 100,000.
Regarding tourism, the cruise ships that arrive now have capacity for 2,500 travelers; With the expansions, the number will increase to between 7,000 and 8,000, so the ships that arrive in Cozumel today will be able to make landfall in Progreso.
Another work that is advancing at a good pace in the state is the construction of the Progreso elevated viaduct, which will provide the Port of Progreso with efficient, intelligent, and sustainable mobility in Yucatán, by achieving the reduction of traffic, and road congestion, and car accidents.This bypass will be 2.7 kilometers and will benefit more than 66 thousand inhabitants through an investment of more than 1,500 million pesos by making the entry and exit to this town and its high port more efficient and safe, which will contribute to reducing the deterioration of roads, excessive noise and pollution caused by the 12 thousand vehicles and 1,400 heavy cargo containers that travel through the streets daily and represent almost 7 million tons annually.
With the Progreso Bypass, the result of coordinated work between the State Government, the Federal Government and the Progreso City Council, green areas, parks for the enjoyment of families, gardens that improve the urban image, and a cycle path will be created, thus recovering the public space for people and rehabilitating an important urban area, with a friendlier environment for those who circulate through the place.It will have 2 round-trip lanes, a boundary that will allow all cargo transportation to go from the port to the federal highway without having to pass through the municipality of Progreso. To do this, infrastructure and drinking water facilities with more than 30 years of use will be changed.
Its construction will generate 1,500 direct and 5,000 indirect jobs, it will also benefit more than 66,000 residents of the municipality and tourists and will have a 100% private investment of 1,500 million pesos.
Local Restaurant
Tuesday Westjet dinner, meet old friends and new arrivals
Andre and Friends music of the seventies
Donnie Leafloor gets rockin’
This will likely be a full house, so come early for a Classic Margarita
Reservations a good idea. 969 103 8775
Javier makes the music for dancing
Conchita’s delicious fish and chips
Made with Mojarra Blanca the most delicious fish
from the Gulf of Mexico,
Or gently cooked in extra virgin olive oil
Dinner with friends on the patio.
Conchita cooks for special diets, vegan and gluten free
Try the camotes mmmm !!!
We’re open 9 am to 9 pm Tuesday to Saturday
Come for breakfast, bacon and eggs, cheese and ham omelettes
french toast with delicious Yucatan honey.
Classic Margaritas made with very fresh lime juice
Birthday fiesta.. We’ll bake a cake.
Saludos Cordiales
![]() Mexico unveiled special INAUGURAL ROUTES and special INAUGURAL trains between Cancun – Merida- Campeche on Dec. 15, 2023, as one just subpart … of just one level … of Tren Maya’s 5 different kinds of trains. In the meantime, a number of major stations (“estaciónes”) have opened and are now selling tickets:Current Tren Maya Estaciónes – Train Stations Now Selling Tren Maya Tickets Cancun, Valladolid, Merida Teya, Palenque, San Francisco de Campeche, Tenabo, Hecelchakan, Calkini, Maxcanu, Tixkokob, Izamal, Escárcega, Carrillo Puerto/Champoton and Edzna are selling tickets, as of 1/16/2024. This is important, because the online E-Ticket website has not worked, (yet), so we must either go to a currently active train estaciónes** (major station) OR to the official Tren Maya office in Nia Torre, Merida.In Merida: Tickets can be purchased for NOW at the San Ramón Norte TREN MAYA office in NIA Tower on Avenida Camara de Comercio: aka … C49 #255 x C34 y C47 Diag.Bring your ID. ?Where to Find Current Updated Train Schedules: The most accurate place to check on departure & arrival times for the current very-limited* INAUGURAL Tren Maya services, is to go online to the E-ticket website (even though it does not yet work to buy tickets): https://www.eticket.mx/trenmaya/What’s Coming in the Future: *Because the current very limited Inaugural Tren service is not representative of the ultimate future 5 Tren Maya different programs, the Tren Maya overall system will likely not be fully completely finished for as much as 2 years from now.Still, it’s fun to consider what’s coming: There will be Electric trains, Touristic Trains, Local Passenger Trains, Express Trains … and FREIGHT RAIL Service to from the Oaxaca/Veracruz Isthmus de Tehuantepec BIG rail corridor and new Pacific Ocean port, for FREIGHT TRAINS shipping Chinese, Vietnamese, Thailand, Indonesian, Malaysian, Indian, Japanese, Taiwanese, and Korean goods & parts & materials – shipped by containers direct to Merida by Tren Maya’s upcoming freight train service.As the big new industrial, manufacturing complexes west & northwest of Merida build out, those big business, High Tech complexes between Merida & Sisal, Merida & Celestun, and Merida-Papacal-Progreso open and expand, they will get parts & materials and goods from ALL the Asian Tiger nations shipped directly by rail to Merida, using Tren Maya freight trains that are 20X times more efficient than dirty truck traffic. Further, with the construction & opening of a NEW DEEP WATER port in Progreso, all the new factories of Merida-Papacal will be able to ship finished goods by big containerized freight ships directly to the USA, Canada & Europe.*** => Merida will be very different in 15 yrs.In addition to the future mega-Freight Train service, Tren Maya will also ADD Express Trains (high speed rail) and Touristic Trains that ALL use the major stations (Estaciones – see below), and the Local Passenger trains (stopping at lots of local smaller Paraderos) … also consider how the Tren Maya will deliver container loads of materials & goods from the Asian Tigers directly to shops & factories in Merida.**As the older August report on the freight rail connections with the huge Isthumus de Tehuantepec program, that will rival the Panama Canal … describes how the Tren Maya system wiil ultimately give direct freight rail service to Merida … of containers of materials & goods directly by rail from the ships of China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam & Thailand … to supply new factories in & around Merida … See the Report at :https://yucalandia.com/2023/08/13/new-study-on-why-some-people-attract-mosquitoes-while-others-repel-mosquitoes-2/?fbclid=IwAR0seGZH6eVfoppxR-gdbhuRNo7ZSV7WFvgCfnfEX64kKYQejlRh2gJpVLE ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Estación Cancún: Cancún, Quintana Roo & Estación Campeche: Campeche:CLASE TURISTA – ADULTO $1,166.00CLASE PREMIER – ADULTO $1,862.00Latest Updates on NEW Tren Maya Services to be Added by March 1, 2024: By March 1’st they will have all the first, preliminary sections of only main tracks open for Tren Maya. Only the “tourist-loop” routes will be open, and only the slow Tren Xi’inbal services will be running, and only some stations (estaciónes) and some paraderos (local stops) will be open by March 1’st, 2024.Still, there’s a lot more in the Tren Maya plans that will happen in the future (Fast Express trains, freight trains, ELECTRIC trains, Electric-Hybrid trains, and a BIG NATURAL GAS PIPELINE running next to the Tren Maya rails, to feed natural gas to Merida … along with all the other fun Tren Maya services still to be rolled out.Things in the Tren Maya’s FUTURE Pipeline: Because we will elect a new President in June, 2024, we will have to wait to see how our next President prioritizes the following Tren Maya projects:There are no plans announced yet for when all the paraderos (small local train stops) will be open.There are no plans announced yet for when all the estaciónes (major stations) will be open.There are no plans announced yet for when all the other Tren Maya routes will be open, like the really important big Tren Maya line over to Oaxaca and to the Istmo de Tehuantepec.There are no plans announced yet for when the really important Papacal Tren Maya route will be open.There are no plans announced yet for when the P’atal fast-train, express train service will start. This future luxury express-train will take a little over 2 hrs to get from Merida to Cancun.There are no plans announced yet for when the with long distance, luxury sleeping & dining cars will be open as a part of the special P’atal Tren Maya serviceThere are no plans announced yet for when the Tren Maya’s freight train service from the Istmo de Tehuantepec service will start.There are no plans announced yet for when the new fast electric hybrid train-locomotives will be added, as the current Tren Maya plans include 44% of trains being electric or electric-hybrid locomotives.Nov. 7, 2023 Original newsTren Maya … “Tsíimin K’áak” … LATEST UPDATES: AMLO announced several details about the various Tren Maya programs yesterday. ~ Passenger rail tickets will go on sale Dec. 1, 2023 for “Tramo 2, 3, y 4 del Proyecto Ferroviaro” … (See link below for details)** Obviously tickets will being sold for just the completed parts of the 5 different Tren Maya sub-programs. ~ As a general rule: Ticket prices will be set at 10% lower than the bus costs for the same routes. Past reports said that the cheapest slow train, stopping at all the local stops, will charge just $50 pesos. The next level up (lujo) of the slow train with local stops may cost $75 peso. The fast Tourist Train will be priced 10% below the typical bus prices for the same routes. ~ Just as our government will inaugurate (open) Le Parque La Plancha in Merida on Sunday, Nov. 19, they will inaugurate the stop at the Cancun International Airport on Dec. 1 . ~ The Campeche to Cancun loop (Tramos 2, 3, & 4 – see map below) will OPEN for service on Dec. 15, 2023.(Read details below) ~ The Cancun to Palenque route (Tramos 1 through 5) are planned to open by Feb. 29, 2024.. Background Information:**”The route of the Tren Maya is made up of seven sections (7 tramos) of approx. 1460 km (total).” “Section 2 of the Tren Maya covers 234 km from Campeche, from Escárcega to Calkiní, with a route that crosses six municipalities and 31 towns, You can ascend and descend at two stations and three stops, reported the general director of the National Fund for Tourism Promotion (Fonatur)… “ SEE Red-Line in this map: ![]() “The Mayan Train track in Section 2 (Tramo 2) is already finished and consists of 234 kilometers throughout six municipalities, from Escárcega to Calkiní, in the state of Campeche, where the works have generated 27 thousand jobs, reported the general director of the Mayan Train company, Óscar David Lozano Águila.” “.. the Campeche Railway Bypass, of 18.76 kilometers that is being built as a very important component of this route, the five viaducts were also completed and the 49 pedestrian, vehicular and wildlife crossings … “ ” … on this Section 2 route, the Mayan Train benefits more than 535 thousand people who live in the area according to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi).” ” … the Section 2 route will have five stations located in Carrillo Puerto-Champotón, Edzná, San Francisco Campeche, Tenabo and Hecelchakán, as well as a Maintenance Base in Edzná and an operations yard in Pomuch as part of the infrastructure that will provide the transportation service. cargo on the Mayan Train. “ ![]() ” ESTACIONES:(Major railway stations – not including minor local stops) Las estaciones que están proyectadas para la operación en distintas fases del proyecto son las siguientes:1. Palenque2. Tenosique3. Balancán4. Escárcega5. San Francisco de Campeche6. Mérida7. Izamal8. Chichen Itzá9. Valladolid10. Cobá11. Cancún12. Puerto Morelos13. Playa del Carmen14. Tulum15. Felipe Carrillo Puerto16. Bacalar17. Chetumal18. Xpujil “. NOTICE that the “Estaciones” are the major railway stations for the ~fast~ Tourist train version of Tren Maya to stop at … MEANWHILE the 2 levels of slower Passenger local trains will have lots of additional local stops (Paradereos) Be sure to look at the second map below for all the smalller local stops – Paraderos – for the 2 slower levels of passenger trains … ![]() ![]() ![]() © Steven M. FryRead-on MacDuff . . . |
Disney Magic Cruis Ship disappoints…written by Yucatan Times January 17, 2024 0 comment

In its second arrival this year, the “Disney Magic” disappointed service providers and street vendors because the presence of tourists on the beach of this port’s boardwalk was almost non-existent.
According to the Administration of the National Port System (Asipona) of Progreso, the “Disney Magic”, with 3,564 people (2,554 passengers and 1,010 crew), arrived on Monday, January 15 at 9:09 a.m. from Cozumel and set sail at 7 p.m.
The workers who depend on tourism hoped that yesterday would be a repeat of the good day of sales they had on Wednesday the 10th, when about 500 passengers of the “Disney Magic”, especially families, came to the boardwalk and bought mangoes, souvenirs, and beach items for the passengers. children, which was a surprise because this ship does not usually make a profit.
But on Monday, shortly before noon, the beach on the boardwalk was almost deserted, with few tourists from the cruise and some buses getting off from the remote terminal, so later some more tourists arrived on the boardwalk.
Tourist workers said that shortly after 1 p.m., about 200 tourists from the boat had arrived at the pier, but were not buying or consuming.
“Last week this ship was productive for us because there were no tours to other places; That’s the only reason they stayed here; “As they said it was going to come in strong cold front, that’s why they didn’t take out the tours, so they stayed here on the beach, that helped us, but since this time they probably bought tickets to other places on the ship, that’s why almost no one arrived today,” said a street musician who walks the boardwalk every day. Three cruise ship arrivals are scheduled this week. The “Carnival Breeze”, on Thursday, and “Disney Magic”, on Friday, but the workers fear that the day of zero sales that they had yesterday with this ship will be repeated.
Here’s What You Need to Know About Carnaval 2024 on the Yucatán Peninsula
ByCarlos Rosado van der Gracht

The largest celebrations are to take place in Mérida at the Xmatkuil fairgrounds from Feb. 7 to 14, as well as at several key points and neighborhoods around the city.
The slogan for this year’s festivities in Yucatán’s capital is “De la fantasía a la innovación,” which translates as “From Fantasy to Innovation.”

The main events include the traditional Viernes de Corso Parade, the Saturday Fantasy Parade on Feb. 10, the Bachata Parade featuring Kim Flores and Cecilia Galizano on Feb 11, a traditional Yucateco Parade on Feb. 12, and the Battle of Flowers on Fat Tuesday, Feb. 13. (Full schedule here)
Mérida will also host a series of large-scale concerts featuring artists, including one featuring world-famous DJ Steve Aoki on Feb 9 and Laura León on Feb. 12.

Festivities in Progreso will be held along the coastal city boardwalk from Feb. 1 to 17 and will feature parades on Saturday, Feb. 13 and 14. Not to be outdone by Mérida, Progreso is also hosting several large events featuring concerts by popstar Belinda on Feb. 3 and Banda El Recodo on Feb. 11, as well as the comedy stilings of La Tía Chayo on Feb 12.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/j2TWn9VJh58?start=12&feature=oembedProgreso’s Carnaval in northern Yucatán is fast becoming one of the most popular and best-attended in Mexico and with good reason. Its beachfront setting, ease of access, great food, and atmosphere make it the perfect place to enjoy Carnaval.
Campeche Carnaval celebrations will last Feb. 1 to 24. The first few days will feature the coronation of the kings of queens of the carnival and a performance by DJ Steve Aoki (just like in Mérida) on Feb. 7.
Campeche’s Carnival will also be hosted by two of Mexico´s most popular LGBTQ+ entertainers, Wendy Guevara and Nicola Porcellla.

Other large events in Campeche include free concerts by Criminal Sounds on Feb. 10, La Original Sonora Dinamita on Feb. 11, and Los Caracoles on Feb. 13.
Cancún, Cozumel, Champotón, Kanasín, and Ciudad del Carmen are also planning celebrations, and we are waiting for a calendar of events to become official.
Chabihau: A tranquil and authentic Yucatecan village by the sea
written by Yucatan Times January 17, 2024 0 comment

Chabihau in the Mayan language means “where the anteater” (Chab) “makes a way” (haü)
Chabihau, a picturesque coastal town in Yucatan, Mexico, is a unique travel destination¹. This quiet fishing port, located 1h 20m from Mérida, is famous for its serene atmosphere and the opportunity to immerse yourself in authentic Yucatecan culture.

Far from the hustle and bustle of the most popular tourist destinations, Chabihau offers a unique experience for those seeking a deeper contact with local life and nature. During the week, you will find unmatched peace, while on weekends they come alive with a lively atmosphere.
Enjoy the iconic views from the bridge at the port exit, perfect for capturing memorable photographs. On your way to Chabihau, marvel at spotting flamingos along the road.

Don’t forget to appreciate the unique details of the place, such as the trees, posts and signs painted in their characteristic aquamarine green color. With its beautiful waters, sand and sea breeze, Chabihau is ideal for spending a romantic sunset as a couple or sharing unforgettable moments with friends.
Immerse yourself in the beauty and tranquility that this charming coastal town has to offer.
Progreso celebrates the fifth anniversary of the Ecological Police
“It is the first time I have seen such a dedicated body of work; “They have done important work in Progreso, and we hope that they continue to transmit to children, and people in general, respect for the environment,” said Mrs. Laura Vargas Acosta, mother of one of the members of the “Mini Volunteers” program. ” from the Ecological Police; corporation that celebrates five years of creation, and that held an emotional ceremony this morning in the presence of Mayor Julián Zacarías Curi.
The Vicente Guerrero neighborhood park was the meeting point; The councilor of Ecology and Environment, Prolimpia, Sanitary Landfill and Ecological Police, Mtro, also attended there. Herbert Pech Baquedano, as well as the head of the Ecological Police, Obdulio Mena Sánchez, together with the councilor, recognized the challenges that the first ecological corporation in Yucatán has gone through throughout these five years, but also the achievements achieved, thanks to the commitment of its elements, which today are just over 50 people.
In that sense, Zacarías Curi highlighted that the role of the corporation has been transcendental and exemplary, to the extent that this model has been reproduced in other municipalities and States.
“Environmental education in Progreso begins with small actions, but forceful actions that change the environment of a society and an environment for the better, and that is what we are doing with the Ecological Police,” he said.
“We have had international certifications and national awards, and for me, it is a model of unparalleled state reach. We have already been an example in other municipalities where it has been replicated, and I want to tell you that from the trenches where I belong, I will continue pushing so that more and more municipalities have this, and Progreso continues to be an exemplary model of good practices in environmental education,” the mayor stated.
Pech Baquedano took the opportunity to highlight the initiatives that the corporation has promoted, since January 14, 2019, when it was created, of which “Mini Volunteers” stands out; program that seeks to promote environmental education among residents and that, to date, has given positive results to new generations.
Another program worth highlighting is “Corrective Vests”; an initiative created in October of last year and with which it seeks, together with the Directorate of Public Security and Transit, to assign community work with cleaning tasks to people who have committed minor crimes, in the same way it seeks to reduce pollution and raise awareness about the damage caused by throwing garbage on public roads and natural areas of Progreso and its police stations.
During the commemorative event, municipal authorities recognized elements that have remained since the founding of the Unit, such as Laura Vargas Suemy Yolanda Madera Sánchez and Ebhking Ruth del Carmen Garrido Martínez, who, on behalf of her colleagues, expressed her pride and satisfaction for belonging to the Ecological Police.
Likewise, they recognized Martin Badal Hernández and Francisca Guadalupe Delfín Ferrer for four years of service.
Shortly before concluding, Zacarías Curi made a call to the citizens: “I want to tell you that the effort on the part of the City Council in all areas has not stopped, and I want to make a call to all Progreseños, and to all the people who visit us who, to have strong results, we need that together: society and government, take care of our earth, we must take care of our planet. Help us in the mission of the Ecological Police to preserve our flora and fauna for the future of the following generations.”
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