Fire reported on Piggies Beach in Progreso

During the intense rain that hit Progreso on the afternoon of Sunday, June 16, a fire broke out in one of the busiest tourist areas of this place, Pig Beach (Playa Cerditos).

The incident went viral through a video on social media, however, the cause of the incident was unknown. Later, authorities informed that it all started because during the rain an electricity cable came into contact with a tree, which caused a large short circuit. The fire did not cause any major inconvenience.

On Monday, June 17, the Progreso City Council ruled on the matter to indicate that operations at the site will continue as normal starting Tuesday, since this Monday, the site will not open to the public.

Through a statement, the head of the Ecological Police Unit, Obdulio Mena Sánchez confirmed that everything was due to the fall of a high-tension cable on a tree.

Elements of the Ecological Police that take care of the tourist area acted immediately, protecting the site and evicting visitors. They also requested support from the firefighters and the Municipal Police.

Mena Sánchez emphasized that both the staff and the piglets housed in the place were well and were not affected, nor were the facilities.

Yucatan Embroidery

Traditional embroidery for sale in Valladolid. Photo: Getty
In a ceremony held at the Museo del Mundo Maya, embroiderers and UNESCO presented a plan to safeguard Yucatán embroidery, an initiative aimed at preserving Maya cultural heritage.

“The Safeguarding Plan aligns with the 2003 UNESCO convention mandating the protection of cultural manifestations. It outlines 10 protection measures and strategies to ensure the safeguarding of this embroidery tradition,” said Cinthia Santoyo, a collaborator with UNESCO’s Culture Sector in Mexico, explaining the plan’s significance.  See more

These measures include empowering embroiderers to teach their techniques in educational institutions with the support of relevant authorities. Santoyo emphasized that the embroiderers themselves are at the heart of the project. This event marked the conclusion of the first phase, a year-long effort involving awareness workshops on intangible cultural heritage.

Forty-three women representing over 12 municipalities were honored for their participation in UNESCO workshops focused on business models, financial education, and even new masculinities to promote gender equality within their communities.

“Yucatecan textile art and embroidery are not merely economic activities but also a reclamation of cultural identity,” Santoyo remarked.

Diagnostic workshops
With support from the Banamex Foundation, UNESCO identified groups of embroiderers and conducted diagnostic workshops to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing their craft.

“Based on this participatory diagnosis, we created training programs for embroiderers on international frameworks that protect intangible cultural heritage, in this case, Yucatecan Mayan embroidery,” Santoyo explained.

Workshops on education and business models helped embroiderers calculate production costs and establish fair trade practices.

“We aim to address structural issues like intermediaries and bargaining that threaten the development of textile art,” Santoyo added.

While the first stage has concluded, UNESCO’s collaboration with these women is far from over. The second stage will involve engaging relevant authorities and institutions to further protect Yucatán embroidery.

The Yucatán Embroidery Safeguarding Plan initiative has spanned 12 municipalities, including Abalá, Dzan, Hoctún, Izamal, Maní, Muna, Tekit, Tekax, Teabo, and Valladolid. It has garnered support from the Yucatecan Institute of Entrepreneurs (Iyem), Sedeculta, the Women’s Secretariat (Semujeres), and the Museum of Ethnic Clothing of Mexico (MUREM) in Valladolid.

Mexico and Faith: Are we missing something?

Diane Spinelli  June 8, 2024

The Virgin’s portrait hangs outside a private home in Mérida. The Virgin remains a source of inspiration for the faithful. Photo: Diane Spinelli
What is all this? Beaded rosaries swinging from the rearview mirror of a taxi; a youth dressed for work making the sign of the cross followed by a kiss to his thumb as he briskly passes a church; florally adorned Our Lady of Guadalupe shrines with her miraculous picture or statue flanked by candles of various melted shapes positioned in local markets, schools, and places of business; families wearing sacramentals such as brown woolen scapulars trailing down their backs or metal crucifixes dangling on their chests; a loud late night fiesta complete with bells clanging relentlessly at a parque on the feast day of the church’s patron saint?

These are most likely customs lovingly passed down from a pious abuela. They are beautiful practices that can help us remember the Presence of Christ throughout the day if we take them seriously and direct our spirits into them.

We expats and visitors to the land of a people of a blend of indigenous American-Spanish ancestry might be missing a piece of who the people of the Yucatán are. From the towering church belfries, sonorous bells echo through the calles, alerting the faithful and those with ears of a Mass about to be celebrated. For us devoted Catholic expats, it all is touching and refreshing. How invigorating living in a historically and vibrantly alive Catholic country! To enter into the culture and soul of Mexico, I believe the prerequisite is an open mind and heart to the faith, the 2,000-year-old Faith of the Catholic Church.

Parroquia Santa Ana in Mérida, Mexico. Photo: Courtesy of the Church
Here in the Yucatán, after the Great and Mighty Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, it is about the Jewish Mother of God, the pregnant Our Lady of Guadalupe, who, fresh from Heaven, placed herself on the soil of Mexico. A prodigy of prodigies! The Blessed Virgin Mary, she-who-transformed-a-nation, appeared as a mestiza in 1531 to a baptized Aztec Indian, Juan Diego. Lovingly sent by God, she transfigured a culture of death, where thousands of innocent Indigenous people were being preyed upon in order to be sacrificed to pagan gods into a culture of life. So began the conversion of mestizos, Aztecs, and Mayas in Latin America. In a brief 15 years, nine million people converted to Catholicism in a non-bloody way. Our Lady could have graced any spot on earth, but she chose America in its time of need, specifically the country that would become Mexico.

The traditions
Without the Church, there would hardly be a Mexican culture! Holidays are mainly holy days of Catholic observance or festivals. Examples are Lent, Easter, All Departed Souls Day, Advent and the Posada novena, Christmas, Epiphany, Our Lady of Guadalupe feast day (Dec. 12), with plenty of other Marian feast days, including patron saints’ feast days, which are numerous due to churches, hence neighborhoods, usually being named after holy saints like Sta. Lucia. Think of all the flamboyant Mexican decorations and symbols such as a golden rosary bedecking the traditional huipil of a female jarana dancer or hitting piñatas blindfolded—a catechism and cautionary tale if you know the original meaning.

A traditional wedding is planned at the church on the main square in Mocochá, Mexico. Photo: Lee Steele / Yucatán Magazine
Strolling past the yawning ancient doors of the main cathedral and the churches centralized in each barrio of Mérida Centro, your ears can catch the chanting of sacred hymns. Yucatecos are fervent in their devotion and exuberant in their worship, taking to the streets (and closing them!) on feast days in vividly colorful processions. Welcome erratic Mérida breezes whip up banners and rosaries raised high, punctuating the grand blue sky of this spacious country, while the marchers raise jubilant songs of praise.

Inside the churches, the poor, the wealthy, the hard-working common man, and the people of means gather together, some daily, to participate in their One, Holy, Universal, and Apostolic religion. For some, besides their children and family, it is the only thing of value that they have.

The celebration of the Mass is a place to spontaneously find yourself a part of intimate and meaningful moments in the Yucatecos’ lives—a benediction of a couple on their 60th wedding anniversary, a quinceañera, a full-fledged wedding, a child’s birthday blessing, a baby’s baptism … the unction of fragrant holy oil doused on the head of a small girl in white being baptized wafting toward the pews.

Masses are open to the public, who show respect by not receiving Holy Communion unless they are Catholics in good standing with the Church.

Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent as preparation for Easter, is an invitation for anyone and everyone to participate. As the priest inscribes a cross of ashes on each person’s forehead, he reminds us, “You are dust, and to dust you shall return.” …a sobering universal reality.

Adoration, usually weekly, also welcomes all to enter … and bend their knees. It is the worship of Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, God Himself in the Most Holy Eucharist. The Catholic Church is the only religion founded by Jesus, which dares to claim that it alone adores the Eucharist, the true Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, God. The Catholic Church is like a spiritual hospital, inviting sinners of which no one is excluded … another universal reality.

A shrine for shoppers to pause at Mercado Santa Ana, Mérida, Mexico. Photo: Lee Steele / Yucatán Magazine
This is where I unite with all my spiritual brothers and sisters to lift our longing souls to God. The Faith is everywhere in the Yucatán for those with eyes to see; the Faith is so heartfelt, exposed to the world. The Yucatecos joyfully wear it on their sleeve, expressing and sharing it, something we might be missing that we can receive from them. Awaken, my soul.

For those Anglos interested in the Catholic Faith, there is a seasonal English Mass at Sta. Ana Church and a few English-speaking priests in Mérida. Call or text Diane Spinelli at 703-505-3599.

Yaxuná is a treasure off Yucatán’s beaten path

Archaeology Monday provides historical background, photos, and practical information about these ancient marvels and how to get out and enjoy them for yourself. This week we venture out deep into the jungle to unveil the secrets of the rarely visited ancient city of Yaxuná.  Yucatán Magazine  June 16, 2024

This is a very interesting, probably Toltec-style depiction of a deity or local ruler. It resembles Chaac/Tlaloc, but its identity is uncertain. Photo: Carlos Rosado van der Gracht
When traveling east on the Mérida-Valladolid toll-free highway, about 20 kilometers before reaching Pisté, some disheveled old signs point you in the direction of the archaeological site of Yaxuná, Yucatán.

The small towns you will pass on your way are beautiful, though a little run down. The area is full of old haciendas, cenotes, and colonial churches that are worth a visit in their own right.

Following the signs, you will arrive at a little dirt road. Pay attention to your surroundings and you are sure to spot huge pyramids completely covered in vegetation. After a few kilometers, you will have arrived. Although the Yaxuná has no amenities at all and can sometimes be difficult to traverse, it offers a real sense of adventure and discovery. It may not be the 19th century, and you are certainly not John Lloyd Stephens, but it’s fun to pretend.

In Yucatec-Maya, Yaxuná (sometimes spelled Yaxunah) means “first house” or “turquoise house.”

Unlike all the other ancient Mayan cities we have covered so far on Archaeology Monday, Yaxuná is not continuously maintained by Mexico’s Institute of History and Anthropology, INAH. So, your experience at the site may vary, depending on how easy it is to navigate through the vegetation.

Puuc ornamentation in Yaxuná. Photo: Carlos Rosado van der Gracht / Yucatán Magazine
If the growth around the site’s core becomes too dense, locals who rent out small eco-cabins near the site will use machetes to carve out a path for visitors. 

Archaeological evidence suggests that Yaxuná was first settled by Maya settlers in the 9th century BC. However, the city reached its zenith in the 5th century AD when it was involved in a war with Chichén Itzá.

Toward the end of the classical period in the 6th or 7th century, the city of Coba conquered Yaxuná and established it as a vassal kingdom. Coba built a large road or sacbe to connect the two cities over a distance of 100 km. The construction of this project is attributed to Queen K’awiil Ajaw of Coba, who ruled over the powerful city-state for over 40 years.

Archaeologists have uncovered many tombs in the city, complete with ritualistic offerings and everyday objects that help us better understand what life in this ancient city must have been like. Notice that although some structures have been reconstructed by archaeologists, up to a point, most pyramids and ceremonial platforms remain covered by vegetation.

Puuc architecture
Despite its geographical location, Yaxuná exhibits many architectural features more consistent with Puuc architecture than those of its large neighbors such as Chichén Itzá or Izamal. Evidence of this can clearly be seen on surviving facade decorations, which look like they were pulled directly out of Kabah or Sayil.

One of the most interesting structures on the site is a multi-level circular platform that archaeologists believe was built during Coba’s occupation of the city. It lines up perfectly with the sacbe that connects the two.

This round structure serves as the beginning of the 100-km sacbe to Coba. Photo: Carlos Rosado van der Gracht
Toward the core of the site, there is a large plaza that would have been flanked by several large, imposing buildings. However, centuries of neglect and looting have rendered the remains of these structures a pale shadow of their former glory. Look along the base of these platforms, and you will notice many decorative elements that hint at the lost greatness of these buildings.

There are likely other similar plazas at the site, though they remain buried. Photo: Carlos Rosado van der Gracht
To the west of the plaza, you will find a large pyramid. If you like you will be able to climb it for a truly awesome view of the site. But remember that structures at Yaxuná do not really ever receive maintenance, so if you do decide to climb, be extremely careful.

If you decide to climb the pyramids at Yaxuná, there will not be anyone around to stop you, but be extremely cautious. Photo: Carlos Rosado van der Grracht / Yucatán Magazine
Like many Maya cities of Yaxuná’s period, the city has a Mesoamerican ball court. But as is often the case with ball courts, its two rings and most of its decorative elements are missing.

Due to its lack of visitors and relative isolation, Yaxuná is also fantastic for spotting wildlife. The grounds are particularly good for birdwatching and deer sightings.

Roadrunners are not easy to spot in Yucatán, but your best chance is probably in Yaxuná. Photo: Carlos Rosado van der Gracht / Yucatán MagazineThe New “Va y Ven” public transportation service is now available in Progreso

Yucatan TimesMay 25, 20240

Va y Ven Reaches Progreso

The transformation of the public transportation service will reach the police stations of the municipality of Progreso with the “Va y Ven” Police Station Circuit that will connect the towns of Flamboyanes, San Ignacio, and Paraíso with the north of Mérida, where users will be able to transfer with the different Va y Ven and Ie-Tram routes, offering efficient mobility at the level of what the Yucatecans deserve. 

Tropical rainstorm to bring heavy rain to the Gulf of Mexico Yucatan Times June 18, 2024 0

A tropical storm warning has been issued along part of the coast of Texas and Mexico as a tropical rainstorm gains strength in the Gulf of Mexico.

After a tropical rainstorm brought heavy rainfall to portions of Florida last week, AccuWeather hurricane experts warn that yet another tropical rainstorm is expected to impact the southern U.S. in the coming days.

In addition to the tropical rainstorm, two other areas in the Atlantic Basin are being monitored for tropical development later this week, including one off the Southeast coast. It is possible that one of these areas could strengthen into Alberto, becoming the first named storm of the season.

This AccuWeather Enhanced RealVue™ Satellite image from Tuesday morning, June 18, shows an area of showers and thunderstorms, dubbed a tropical rainstorm by AccuWeather meteorologists, in the Bay of Campeche.

Tropical rainfall to threaten Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coasts

AccuWeather began to highlight portions of the western Gulf of Mexico with a high risk for tropical development last Thursday afternoon. A tropical rainstorm developed late on Sunday and is forecast to steer toward the border between Mexico and Texas into the middle of the week. The storm is expected to drift north-northwestward, bringing with it rounds of heavy rain.

tropical storm warning has been issued along the Gulf Coast from Port O’Connor, Texas, southward to the mouth of the Rio Grande River, with a tropical storm watch southward from there to Puerto de Altamira, Mexico, due to the expected impacts from the strengthening system.

“Very warm waters in this area of the Gulf, as well as low wind shear will make this a conducive environment for the tropical rainstorm to strengthen,” said AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Dan Pydynowski.

Given these factors, the rainstorm is forecast to strengthen into a tropical depression, then a tropical storm, right before making landfall along the northern Gulf Coast of Mexico. Should the storm produce sustained winds of 39 mph or greater prior to any other development in the Atlantic Basin, it will be given the name Alberto.

A tropical storm is likely to bring widespread strong wind gusts to the Mexican states of Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon, as well as portions of South Texas. Some storm surge can also be expected along the coast north of the storm’s landfall. For both Mexico and the United States, given the risk for damaging winds, storm surge and flooding rainfall, this storm is a 1 on the AccuWeather RealImpact™ Scale for Hurricanes.

Given the limited time over water and close proximity to land, the tropical disturbance will need to intensify quickly in order to reach tropical storm strength before landfall Wednesday night. This is currently expected to occur, according to AccuWeather forecasters.


Five Va y Ven units start this Saturday in three police stations in Progreso By Progreso Hoy


PROGRESO.– This Saturday, May 25, residents of three Progreso police stations will begin to have the benefits of the Va y Ven System, which will offer completely free bullfights during the first two weeks of operations.
This was reported by the head of the Progreso Transportation Directorate, Felipe Pech González, who explained that the new service will cover, as we anticipated yesterday, the police stations of San Ignacio, Paraíso and Flamboyanes, which will be part of the police station circuit in the northern zone. which will have The Harbor shopping plaza as their boarding point.
In an interview with Felipe Pech recalled that the new service was finalized after two and a half years of efforts led by the current licensed mayor Julián Zacarías Curi, who carried out the necessary procedures before the State Government to have this important service. for the inhabitants of those three police stations.

The official explained that the new system starts in this new circuit with five units that will provide service every day from 5 in the morning to 10 at night, with a maximum waiting time of 30 minutes between each unit.
He recalled that the new system is not going to displace anyone, since this route did not have regular service and for that reason it comes to cover a long-standing need for mobility for the inhabitants of Flamboyanes, Paraíso and San Ignacio, benefiting some 2,500 people who They require traveling to Mérida or between police stations.

The new route, as stated, will have The Harbor shopping plaza as its starting point, and in the case of Paraíso and San Ignacio, it will make boarding stops at the entrances of each community, without entering the police stations. Only in the case of Flamboyanes, the Va y Ven will stop at the La Paz roundabout, at the entrance to the community.

In that sense, after learning of the arrival of the Va y Ven to these three police stations in Progreso, the positive messages were not long in coming among the users of those communities, as it was a long-awaited service, since There were no routes or transportation system to travel between those places and the capital of Merida.
In that sense, residents recognized the management work of Julián Zacarías, of the municipal team, as well as the support of Governor Mauricio Vila to include Progreso in this first phase of the Va y Ven system in this municipality.

The units, as is known, have air conditioning, as well as bicycle racks, USB chargers, universal accessibility and preferential seating, as well as surveillance cameras.
As has been reported, to use the Va y Ven system it is necessary to have the smart card, which is processed in the modules of the capital city and recharge it in establishments such as Dunosusa, Oxxo and the smart ATMs in Mérida. Tomorrow it is expected that the official rate that the service will cost will be reported once the free travel period ends. (ProgresoHoy.

Happenings at David”s Restaurant

All’s quiet in Progreso and Chicxulub. We’re waiting for the arrival of Meridanos in July

Apartments for Rent only for the summer months, with pool and patio

My grandson Moises, 19 is managing the apartments and has posted them on Airbnb. If you would like to rent direct, please contact Moises at 998 257 3034.

Plans for the restaurante next season: We are going to offer some of our special recipes as a frozen portion pack: Butter chicken, Beef Bourguignon, Red lentil dal, to mention a few. We will also cook special recipes. This is in response to many requests we have received.

Maybe a Spa: Last season a Canadian neurologist suggested I  try Sea Salt Therapy for a painful leg muscle condition. I bought a 50 kilo bag of sea salt and started a routine of a 20 minute jacuzzi morning and evening. The results have been very positive. I put 2 kilos of salt in every jacuzzi. Sea salt comes from the coast nearby. I’m considering the possibility of a Spa, that would have individual jacuzzis. Your comments and suggestions would be appreciated.

google sea salt therapy…ask your doctor 

Saludos cordiales from the Chicxulun Crater

David Andrew Henry

for the backstory google

radio canada international restaurante chicxulub

For folks interested in Mayan history here’s a link to a recent NYTimes


From The New York Times:

Ancient Genomes Reveal Which Children the Maya Selected for Sacrifice

Thousand-year-old DNA from Chichén Itzá offers eye-opening details of the religious rituals of ancient Maya.

The New “Va y Ven” public transportation service is now available in Progreso

 Yucatan Times0

“Va y Ven” reaches the communities of Progreso to offer a modern and efficient service

The transformation of the public transportation service will reach the police stations of the municipality of Progreso with the “Va y Ven” Police Station Circuit that will connect the towns of Flamboyanes, San Ignacio, and Paraíso with the north of Mérida, where users will be able to transfer with the different Va y Ven and Ie-Tram routes, offering efficient mobility at the level of what the Yucatecans deserve.

The Yucatan Transportation Agency (ATY) reported that starting on Saturday, May 25th, the first stage of the Progreso Circuit will enter into operation with 4 routes, connecting more than a dozen communities in Mérida and Progreso with the Yucatecan capital, which continues with the transformation of transportation in the state.

In Progreso, with Route 402, through 5 units, it will connect with the Flamboyanes, San Ignacio, and Paraíso de Progreso police stations; and those of Dzibilchaltún, Santa María Yaxché, Tamanché, Komchén and

In this way, the residents of these communities will have access to transfer discounts and social rates for students, senior citizens, and people with disabilities, offering them a quality transportation service that does not affect their economy.

TYT Newsroom

Mary Brown’s takes aim in Mérida’s chicken sandwich war

ByLee Steele June 6, 2024

Wendy’s in Xcanatún has a new neighbor from Canada. Just 900 meters up the street, Mary Brown’s Chicken is serving up hot and fresh competition. 

That not only turns up the heat for Wendy’s, but also US-based Church’s and KFC, as well as local brands like Flamante and Mitica — all combatants in the chicken sandwich war.

Americans might not have heard of MB Chicken, as it’s known outside of its home territory. But the fast-food chain is beloved up north. The Newfoundland-based chain has expanded to 257 locations throughout Canada since starting in 1969.

The opening is part of a huge international push. Its first European location was in Lisburn and then Northern Ireland. After that came the Mérida franchise, which is still under construction on the highway to Progreso. 

“It’s exciting to see this international development finally getting going,” said Dylan Powell, vice president of international development at Mary Brown’s Chicken. “Mary Brown’s has been a part of the Canadian fabric for a long time now, but other than one other attempt to get into Turkey a few years ago, we have not really ventured outside of Canada until now.”

Mary Brown’s positions itself as “the largest Canadian-owned quick-serve chicken restaurant,” according to Franchise Times. They haven’t announced plans to enter the chicken-sandwich wars in the U.S. market, which Dylan described as oversaturated.

“We are very popular here in Canada because people know we serve fresh farm-raised chicken and taters prepared from scratch with our proprietary cookers that eliminate a lot of the grease you get from the other brands,” Dylan said.

“It is very important that we maintain the standard of our food overseas,” he said, “and the restaurant operators we selected to partner with for international development have the experience and local knowledge to do it.”

The Mérida branch will be a standalone location with around 4,000 square feet, he said.

PAN political party wins 35 municipalities in Yucatán

 Yucatan Times0

The PAN political party in Yucatán is positioned as the dominant political force in the municipalities, governing 66% of the state’s population.

This will allow it to be one of the main political forces in the state during the next administration since it will govern 35 municipalities, of which women will govern 13, stated the PAN’s state president Asís Cano Cetina.

The PAN will govern Mérida, Kanasín, Conkal, and Hunucmá, among other of the most populated municipalities in the state.

Most of the metropolitan area of ??the Yucatecan capital, where the largest number of inhabitants and consequently voters are concentrated, will have a municipal government headed by the PAN.

Added to the municipalities in the interior of the state where the Yucatecans supported the PAN Yucatán, it will govern almost three-fifths of the Yucatecan territory.

Among these municipalities are Chemax, Motul, Halachó, Tixkokob, Tecoh, Acanceh, Yaxcabá, Tekit Seyé, Opichén, Temax, Teabo, Maní, Cuzamá, Chicxulub Pueblo, Santa Elena and Dzitás.

Also Sucilá, Mayapán, Cenotillo, Tunkás, Mama, Sinanché, Sudzal, Cuncunul and Quintana Roo. Also, Tixméhuac, Chankom, Homún, Izamal, Oxkutzcab, which will be governed in alliance with other political forces.

There are additional municipalities that are following various contestation processes and whose final result will depend on the resolutions of the Electoral Courts, so the number of municipalities governed by National Action could still increase.

In this way, the balance of political forces is clear where the PAN Yucatán is identified by the changes promoted in security, education, health improvements, combating inequality, mobility, attracting investments, and generating employment.

TYT Newsroom

Yucatán’s Iconic Hammocks Are Hanging in There

ByYucatán Magazine June 7, 2024

Hula’s latest line, black-and-white hammocks, provides a modern take on a traditional Mexican handicraft. Photo: Courtesy

The people who make and sell Yucatán hammocks struggle to stay in business, threatening the future of an iconic symbol of the region.

Marco Antonio Salazar Rosado, whose firm Hamacas el Aguacate has been making and selling hammocks in Yucatán for 60 years, said he and his peers are in danger of closing their doors. He asserted that a lack of organization in the marketplace, among other factors, is causing problems with both exports and domestic sales.

The hammock has been used since ancient times in Yucatán to sleep or rest. It has been used in different times and places and is made with different materials.

The origin of the hammock is traced to the native people of Central and South America, according to retailer The first hammocks were made ??with the bark of the hamack tree. Christopher Columbus is said to have first encountered the hammock in the Bahamas, although they are thought to have originated in Puerto Rico. Columbus took the hammock with him back to Europe, where it caught on with sailors, who enjoyed how the boats rocked them to sleep.

Several of the hammocks sold by Señor Raymondo feature the logos of popular soccer teams in Mexico, which he says are particularly popular. Photo: Carlos Rosado van der Gracht / Yucatán Magazine

Yucatán hammocks, made with nylon or cotton, surged in popularity 25 years ago, but Salazar Rosado laments that “things have changed.”

“Exports have come down, and now hamaqueros rely heavily on sales in stores and on the amount of domestic and foreign visitors carry us to achieve our business,” he explains.

“We also face strong competition from hawkers who earn commissions for bringing tourists to buy from certain sites more dedicated to selling crafts than hammocks,” he said.

He said Yucatán hammocks “done well” cost an average of $400 pesos, with more ornamental designs costing up to $700 pesos. But prices vary widely depending on quality.

However, he continued, businesses such as Hamacas el Aguacate enforce the popular saying that “Yucatecan hammocks are the best in the world.”

But European tourists can return home and order hammocks from Denmark, saving on shipping costs. State and federal authorities should promote Yucatecan hammocks on the international market as superior and authentic, he said.

Even so, “there will always be those willing to continue manufacturing hammocks, as it is part of the history of our state, what we are and we live every day, so I think there will be Yucatecan hammocks for many more years,” said Salazar Rosado.

“With the heat that almost always is felt in Yucatan, it is always necessary to have a hammock.”

And it’s been proven that sleep is better in a hammock.

Tulum Tourists Evicted When Police Raid 4 Properties

ByYucatán Magazine June 6, 2024

Police shut down four resort properties in Tulum,. Photo: La Jornada Maya

The Special Prosecutor’s Office for Property Crimes, with support from an aggressive police presence, secured four resort properties in the coastal area of Tulum. Dozens of tourists and employees were evicted from the properties. 

The reason for the raid was not disclosed.

The incident, which took place unexpectedly before 10 a.m. Thursday, drew attention due to the large police mobilization. Elements from the Tulum Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection, the National Guard, and the Investigative Police of the Quintana Roo State Attorney General’s Office were involved in the operation.

The operation concluded past noon, with the Alumbra-Kitchen Table Hotel, Aku’um Hotel, La Esquina restaurant, and Kira’s Beach House being secured. Official seals were plastered on the properties.

Over 100 workers fenced in the perimeters of the establishments with metal mesh and black plastic. Mexican and foreign tourists had to interrupt their vacations to pack their belongings and leave, confused by the situation.

The Tulum-Boca Paila highway was closed for over an hour and a half at Kilometer 6, where three properties were evacuated. It was then closed for another hour at Kilometer 7 to secure one more property.

Adrián Cahuich, an employee at La Esquina restaurant (formerly El Tábano), stated that they were starting their workday when agents arrived and forcibly removed them. He said he was barely given the opportunity to remove vehicles from the property and that his personal and company cell phones were stolen during the incident.

Beddy Rodríguez, another affected employee, stated that there was no prior notification of the operation. She added that the agents broke security cameras, describing the situation as an outrage and a total injustice.