She of course is Carmita who is definitely my right hand person who helps run the Food Bank and Las Mujeres de Chicxulub. Here is a posting done on Face Book Aug.31st. It is both her original post followed by an English translation and I have no doubt you will read it and understand the true nature of Carmita.
Please read closely because for me she is saying so well what many of us think is happening in society today! I know there are accents missing but it says so much as is!
“Yo naci en Chicxulub Puerto Yucatan. Creci con mucho amigos y tuve muy buenos tiempos donde la familia era el comienzo de todo. Mis papas tenian reglas claras. No habia dramas porque las situaciones se cortaban de raiz…..borron y cuenta nueva.
Si me portaba mal te daban un castigo y vaya castigo!! Los ninos no discutian con los mayores, lo que un adulto dijera era ley. Los professores eran modelos y no se les faltaba al respeto.
Me ensenaron a saludar, a despedirme, a decir gracias a pedir permiso y a entenderel languaje de los ojos vaya languaje de los ojos vaya lenguaje jaja
Salimos a jugar con los vecinos de la cuadra (los vecinos de antes) todos juntas, todos juntas, te acuerdas? era toda una aventura. Nos regresabamos todos caminando de la escuela sin temor a que nos robaran, y en la salida de la escuela ero lo maximo comprar cualquier golosina, stickers o un respado!
Buscabamos lugares cerca para jugar, hacer nuestros escondites y amar nuestros clubs, jugabamos futbol en la calle, a las escondidas, el avioncito, el stop, policias y ladrones, encantados, saltabamos la cuerda, el avion etc. Armabamos nuestras reuniones para contar cosas de terror. Ah tiempos aquellos, cuantos anos!!!
Comiamos lo que se cocinaba y PUNTO! Nos decian aqui no es restaurante, arroz con pollo, sopa de fideo, frijoles, lentejas, pollo con papas fritas, milaneses y como postre cualquier fruta o arroz con leche.
Podiamos camianar de arriba para abajo o nos montabamos enn nuestras bicicletas, le poniamos un bote de tropicana y ya traiamos moto, avalancha o patines. No teniamos miedo a nada y respectamos a nuestros ancianos. Se nos enseno el respeto por los demas y por la propiedad ajena. Como nino no se hababla si un adulto estaba hablando.
Cuando se hacia de noche sabiamos que era de entrara con un solo grito: A cenaar o un banarseee, ya es ahoraaa!!! A las ocho se acababa el encanto!!
Nos encantaba ir a la escuela porque teniamos amor, carino y respeto por los profesores y teniamos la diche de ver a nuestros companeros que hoy algunos aun son nuestros grandes amigos!!
Cuando pasaba un avion, todos los ninos saliamos a verlo y le gritabamos a voz en cuello: Adios adios!! te acuerdas??? Jejeje…ni se diga de banarse en el mar, en el cenote xpeten, en un aguacero com mangueras, cubetazos de agua o glodos con agua!! !!Eso ersdiversion pura. Patinar bajo la lluvia!!! Las competencias de correr de la cuadra nuestras papas salian a jugar con nosotros y eran los jueces a ver quien ganaba en las carreritas!
Nos metiamos a la casa de nuestros vecinos y la mama nos daba comida a todos, nadie tomaba si permiso y no se hacia tanto disorden porque siempre nos ponian a recoger.
Conociamos a todos nos de cuadra y todos nos echaban ojo.
Como quisiera que pudiermos volver a esos tiempos porque estamos perdiendo a nuestros hijos en una sociedadsin respeto a la autoridad la compasion y sensibilidad por los demas.
Si esta publicacion te trajo bonitos recuerdos solo copia y pega en tu muro para hacer conciencia que se estan perdiendo los principios y el respeto y sobre todo la felicidad. BELLOS RECUERDOS”
I was born in Chicxulub Puerto Yucatan. I grew up with many friends and had great times where family was the beginning of everything. My parents had clear rules. There were no dramas because the situations were nipped in the bud ….. clean slate. If I behaved badly, they gave you a punishment and what a punishment !! Children did not argue with elders, what an adult said was law. The teachers were role models and they were not disrespected. They taught me to say hello, to say goodbye, to say thanks to ask permission and to understand the language of the eyes, what a language of the eyes, what a language haha We went out to play with the neighbors on the block (the neighbors from before) all together, all together, do you remember? it was quite an adventure. We all walked back from school without fear of being robbed, and when leaving school I was the most to buy any candy, stickers or a snack! We looked for places nearby to play, make our hiding places and love our clubs, we played soccer in the street, hide and seek, the little plane, the stop, policemen and thieves, delighted, we jumped rope, the plane etc. We set up our meetings to tell horror stories. Ah time those, how many years !!! We ate what was cooked and enjoyed it! They told us here is not a restaurant, rice with chicken, noodle soup, beans, lentils, chicken with fries, Milanese and for dessert any fruit or rice pudding. We could walk up and down or we got on our bikes, we put a tropicana boat on it and we already brought a motorcycle, avalanche or skates. We were not afraid of anything and we respect our elders. We were taught respect for others and for the property of others. As a child, it was not spoken if an adult was speaking. When it got dark we knew that it was to enter with a single shout: To have dinner or a bath, it is now! At eight o’clock the charm ended !! We loved going to school because we had love, affection and respect for the teachers and we had the pleasure of seeing our classmates, some of whom are still our great friends today !! When a plane passed by, all the children went out to see him and shouted at him loudly: Bye bye !! do you remember??? Hehehe … not to mention bathing in the sea, in the cenote xpeten, in a downpour with hoses, buckets of water or balloons with water !! !! That is pure fun. Skate in the rain !!! The running competitions of the block our parents came out to play with us and they were the judges to see who won in the races! We went into the house of our neighbors and the mother gave us food to all, nobody took their permission and it was not so disorderly because they always put us to pick up. We knew all of us from the block and they all kept an eye on us. How I wish we could return to those times because we are losing our children in a society without respect for authority, compassion and sensitivity for others. If this publication brought you beautiful memories, just copy and paste it on your wall to raise awareness that principles and respect and above all happiness are being lost. BEAUTIFUL MEMORIES
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