Activities at the House

The House has been busy with Monday bazaars and visits from the junior volunteers and others who come by to see what we are doing! Receiving the donation in March at the weekly bazaar. Enjoy what the kids are doing after getting the malla sombra (shade mesh) made...

May Dispensas

It was a lovely morning to hand out the dispensas.  People were happy to get their extra treats!  Not many photos!!

March 2024 Dispensa

Wow seems like so long ago we did the March dispensa.  The folks came early and we were done by 10:30.  We had a visit from one of our donors Dave from Ontario for 2 weeks!!  

English at Andres Quintana Roo

Another season goes by! And we say adios to Mary and John. These prime organizers have decided to move on to a nw chapter in their lives. So now there are several positions open to keep this program alive. Hold the press!!! Yesterday this came through… Hi again,...

Activities at the House

The house has been active this month.  The weekly bazaar has been going smoothly and more local folks have been coming to visit! The kids are busy doing Easter eggs to give to the community!  There is aso planning going on for the summer workshop. From the photos you...