Mexico Starts Vaccinating Elderly People by yucalandia February 12, 2021 Our Mexican Government has announced that they will begin vaccinating elderly people next week. For this reason … if you signed up to get the COVID vaccine, it may be time to TURN-OFF any “call-blocking” features you have on your phone. I got called today from an (871) Coahuila area code, asking me several questions about my interest in being vaccinated against COVID. They asked if: 1. The person receiving the call is the specific name & phone number you used to sign up for the COVID vaccine. 2. Do you still want the vaccine? 3. Do you want to be scheduled for an appointment to get vaccinated, and would like to be called when it’s time to go get vaccinated? I was called today about this from an (871) area code (Coahuila)** – and one other person from PV has reported being called. THIS IS IMPORTANT .. because many gringos block phone calls from unknown phone numbers, so, it might be time to turn OFF call blocking options on your phone ?? Also note, that the govt. employee calling me was very rushed, and spoke incredibly fast. … If you are unsure, we suggest that you be prepared to ask the person calling you several simple clarifying questions: “¿Me preguntas si me gustaría vacunarme?” “¿Me preguntas si quiero una cita? “ The govt employee responded:”Sí, ¿quieres que te llamemos para programar una cita?” I replied:” Claro que si, yo quiero que tu re-llamarme con mi cita para mi vacunación. … Gracias ! “ … Do most people reading this have call blocking activated on their phone (to block telemarketing calls)? and … Whom else out there is receiving this kind of call? Let’s hope that this signals a good start to Mexico’s COVID vaccination program !! INTERESTED in OTHER COVID VACCINE INFORMATION? … See this scientific report: INTERESTED in SIGNING UP to Get Vaccinated in Mexico? … See this report: INTERESTED in Scientifically PROVEN WAYS TO STAY PROTECTED from COVID? This free site is ad-supported. Learn more |
In the past 3 reports there have been no new cases reported in the Progreso area.
Space dust beneath Chicxulub Crater confirms asteroid impact
By Yucatán Magazine -February 27, 2021

The 2016 scientific drilling expedition off the coast of Yucatán has yielded space dust, evidence that the asteroid impact and dinosaur extinction are “indisputably linked.”
Around 66 million years ago, all the dinosaurs that couldn’t fly were abruptly wiped out, and a growing body of research identifies the culprit as an asteroid impact that left the famous Chicxulub Crater. Now, new research from the Free University of Brussels-VUB and Imperial College London has found a spike in concentrations of space dust in the layers atop the Chicxulub crater, which correspond to the time of the dinosaurs’ demise and similar deposits around the world.
Earlier: Was it really a comet that hit Chicxulub?

Though this space dust is present in low quantities all over Earth, the study published in Science Advances found it is four times more concentrated in the Chicxulub impact crater than in the surrounding area.
A spike in worldwide iridium deposits at the time of the dinosaurs’ demise also constitutes indisputable evidence that an asteroid created the Chicxulub Crater, which isn’t visible to the naked eye, but is connected to the Yucatán Peninsula’s vast collection of cenotes, or underground bodies of water.

The evidence has been studied since a rig carrying a team of international scientists drilled beneath the Gulf of Mexico nearly six years ago. They extracted cores of earth to study in various labs around the world, looking for clues behind the catastrophic asteroid impact.
The 60-day expedition had the team drilling a well 1.5 kilometers into the ocean floor about 30 kilometers off the coast of Sisal.
Foreigners confirmed eligible for free COVID-19 vaccine in Mexico
By Carlos Rosado van der Gracht -February 25, 2021

Mexico’s federal government has confirmed that foreigners residing in the country are entitled to free COVID-19 vaccines.
This policy was confirmed via email to Yucatán Magazine by Olivia Baker Gómez from the office of Yucatán’s governor.
Uncertainty surrounded the issue after users on social media reported that some vaccination sites had denied inoculations to individuals on the basis of nationality.
On a Facebook group for foreigners, a resident from Canada suggested the government could be favoring the segment of the population that can vote.
Misunderstandings were likely the result of poor communication between local and federal authorities, an official told Yucatán Magazine over the phone.
Earlier: Mexico’s vaccination site crashes again as doses run out
Voter ID cards, known as INEs, are the most common form of identification in Mexico. As these ID cards are only available to Mexican nationals, authorities who require them effectively shut out all foreign nationals.
In Yucatán, AstraZeneca vaccines are currently being offered to people over 60 in Valladolid, Motul and Conkal.
It is unknown when vaccination efforts will begin in cities such as Mérida, Progreso or Telchac, where the largest numbers of foreign nationals in Yucatán reside. Several expats and snowbirds have flown to their home countries just to get vaccinated.
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