I am continuing to show interesting articles about Yucatan and Mexico. These stories talk about covid status, changes in Progreso, education and other interesting information.
MERIDA.– Unlike the neighboring state of Quintana Roo, where social mobility restrictions have again been tightened and economic activities restricted due to an increase in Covid-19 infections, in Yucatan the measures taken by the state government have been firm and constant, which has prevented the overflow of hospital services and allowed a controlled economic and social reopening.
After the announcement by the governor of Quintana Roo, Carlos Joaquín González, of five new restrictive measures in the face of what he called a “not encouraging outlook”, Quintana Roo residents will have to return to a partial confinement that includes closing avenues, supervision of schedules and capacity, suspension of social gatherings and entry and exit restrictions at business events, competitions or congresses.
Failure to comply with these measures could lead to the imposition of fines and closures and, if the situation worsens, return to the red light, which would imply the total closure of activities.
In Yucatan, on the other hand, a very different and encouraging panorama is observed, since the measures that were taken in terms of restrictions on working hours, vehicular mobility and transit in some areas of the center, as well as the mandatory and correct use of face masks and hygiene, keep the state on a yellow traffic light and with ample freedom for the activities of the Yucatecans.
Added to this is the great responsibility and seriousness with which citizens have behaved, respecting all the indications given by state and health authorities, making responsible use of their mobility and activities that include social interactions.
To this is added the progress in the application of vaccines against the coronavirus among the most vulnerable population, thanks to the fact that the state government has maintained a great work of coordination, both with the federal and municipal governments.
Likewise, there has been a joint work with experts in health and epidemiology that, in conjunction with members of other social and productive sectors, has allowed the state government to make adequate decisions for a controlled and safe economic reopening.
Given what is happening in Quintana Roo, the recommendation of the state authorities is to strictly maintain the measures for a gradual and safe reopening, the correct use of face masks and health social distancing that prevents an increase in infections and hospitalizations and thus keeping the correct path to normalization.
Some Yucatecans also consider that the state should regulate the entry of Quintana Roo inhabitants to> Yucatán so that sick people do not enter the state.
MÉRIDA.– Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal confirmed that Yucatán will return to face-to-face classes next August with the start of the 2021-2022 school year.
“What I can tell you is that the return to classes here in Yucatán will be in the month of August, it will be a mixed return to classes. Surely Monday and Wednesday some children will go, Tuesday and Thursday others from the same room will go, Friday will be for children’s issues who need some advice, “he said.
It is a fact with the current conditions that we have, he emphasized, obviously if there were any type of regrowth, the strategy would have to be adjusted, but as you know in Yucatan we are living a good moment during the pandemic and with what is expected with the vaccination is expected conditions are favorable.
He added that, with this return to face-to-face classes, parents will have to sign a letter where they are responsible for sending their children without having any symptoms, “but obviously there will also be several filters, one at the entrance of the school and another at the entrance of the room to verify this issue “.
“Remember that going back to school is not mandatory, it is voluntary and if there is a father who does not want to send his children to class education as it is until today, it will continue,” he said.
The protocols of care in the event that a case of Covid-19 occurs in the classrooms, the state president affirmed that they continue to be refined by the hand of the federal and state educational and health authorities.
“These things are being seen, for example, in Guanajuato, we are seeing with them their experiences, the success stories to apply them here in the State,” he stressed.
INE has moved
District Board 02 of the National Electoral Institute (INE) changed its address to a new building located at Calle 70 # 125 and 125 “A” through 23 and 25, in Progreso, Yucatán.
The executive member of the 02 District Board, Licda. Rebeca Ancona López stressed that the change of headquarters responds to the need for a more modern and functional building, which allows offering spaces of dignified attention to citizens, as well as developing tasks of organizing electoral processes, such as the corresponding to the 2020-2021 electoral process.

Covid Update
This is the medical report for this Thursday, May 20: Today, Thursday 20, more than 50,000 vaccines against the coronavirus arrived in Yucatan for the first application to people between 50 and 59 years of age and the second dose of adults over 60 years of age in municipalities that we will announce soon.
This Thursday we continue in Mérida, Valladolid, Tizimín and Ticul the application of vaccines against the Coronavirus for teachers, teachers and active educational personnel of public and private schools. This vaccination stage ends today.
Also on this Thursday the 20th began the vaccination of people between 50 and 59 years of age belonging to 5 more municipalities in the interior of the state: Quintana Roo, Tepakán, Suma, Telchac Puerto, Mama and Sinanché?. Yesterday, Wednesday 19, vaccines began to be applied to men and women of 50 59 years in Kaua, Tekal de Venegas, Xocchel and Sinanché, on Tuesday 18, in Mayapán, Kopomá and Dzilam de Bravo.
Today 100 new coronavirus infections were detected and 3 of them are in Progreso.
* Percentage of total intensive care occupancy (Covid + No Covid): 28.8%, IN GREEN AND DECREASING.
* Percentage of occupancy of total hospital beds (Covid + No Covid): 53.9%, IN YELLOW AND STABLE.
* The increase in hospital admissions for the week compared to the previous one is GREEN AND STABLE.
* The rate of contagiousness of the coronavirus is 0.97, GREEN AND DECREASING.
* The positivity of the cases is 38.7%, IN ORANGE AND DOWN.
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