A reminder for those returning: anything you wish to leave for the food bank please remember the new address.
Calle 23 x 24 y 14 y 12. If you like, call Carmita or me to meet you at the house.
Again the house has been busy with all kinds of activities!! Tables have been constructed and stained for use on the to floor by Las Mujeres de Chicxulub. Milo has been working on them and Glenys painted and stained them.
While downstairs Kay was busy cleaning and sorting items for the bodega. We even opened for a short time to have a bazar and did it again the following week!!
Behind Kay you can see some of the Christmas hampers we have done!
This young lady, Sophia who is taking Physiotherapy is also interested in teaching the kids self defense. You may remember we had a young man a number of years ago doing the similar training. She has a group of young people.

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