English at Andres Quintana Roo

Another season goes by! And we say adios to Mary and John. These prime organizers have decided to move on to a nw chapter in their lives. So now there are several positions open to keep this program alive. Hold the press!!! Yesterday this came through… Hi again,...

Activities at the House

The house has been active this month.  The weekly bazaar has been going smoothly and more local folks have been coming to visit! The kids are busy doing Easter eggs to give to the community!  There is aso planning going on for the summer workshop. From the photos you...

Bingo Season

The weekly bingo event is at an end and it was a successful season!  We averaged about 30-35 players a week and had lots of happy winners go home with smiles!!  Thanks to the staff at La Antigua and the terrific bingo team!!

Albergue de San Joachim

Mens Group The work this year at the Albergue de San Joaquin was more a series of small projects rather than larger cosmetic ones. We didn’t paint any rooms since most looked very well finished from previous years, and from other groups that had done some...

Activities at the House

I botched things up last month and somehow sent incomplete news.  My apologies and will remedy now.  There is a new, interesting mural in the workshop upstairs where Las Mujeres have their work space. The mural was done by Sebatian Clermont from Canada and...

Bingo Season 2024

Our weekly bingo season is coming to an end mid March due to an early semana santa! Last bingo will be March 20th at La Antigua and the draw for the Walking Stick will be Wed. March 13th. If winner is not in attendance I will store the stick til your return! The...