Providing food to families in need.


Chix Food Bank, began operating in November 2005 by a group of individuals who came together to respond to an identified need in Chicxulub, Yucatan.

In the village of Chicxulub there are about 6,000 people.  The main industry is fishing.  Of course, this work is at the mercy of the weather and between the hurricane and the norte seasons often the port  is closed so there is no opportunity to go out fishing.  Therefore we have families who have limited resources to care for their families.  We also have elderly people who rely on their children to care for them and help them on a day-to-day basis.

There is a huge need to assist people suffering from many forms of poverty.  Your support can change lives.

For only $75 CAD / 1250 pesos, you can feed a family for a year!

Current News and Updates on the Chicxulub Foodbank

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Summer Happenings

“Huancho” is the name of the huge crocodile that wanders the streets of Chicxulub Puerto written by Yucatan Times June 26, 2024 0 comment  Bookmark The appearance of another huge crocodile in Progreso was announced on social media, this time...

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Activities at the House

Activities at the House

Wow with all this rain and heat there has been an increase in mosquitos and dengue fever.  Before doing the summer workshops for the kids we had to get the house fumigated!  Well wasn't easy but we found a local fumigator to do the job!!!  Yahoo now we...

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Known by many names and for various roles, Plaza Grande is ever-changing Culture | History Known by many names and for various roles, Plaza Grande is ever-changing ByYucatán Magazine After its radical renovation over the last few months and ahead...

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June Dispensa

It was a quiet, warm Saturday for dispensas and we were done by 10ish.  Carmita began at 8 when people began to arrive.  

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Activities at the House

Month end willl be the closing of our weekly bazaars until late September.  The  bazaars have been a great way to get to know the locals and long term expats! My hard-working team that come every Monday to help out!! Nola, Kay, Nola and Jody. We got...

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Fire reported on Piggies Beach in Progreso During the intense rain that hit Progreso on the afternoon of Sunday, June 16, a fire broke out in one of the busiest tourist areas of this place, Pig Beach (Playa Cerditos). The incident went viral through a video on social...

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The first Pok ta Pok court in the entire country is in Progreso, Yucatán..Yucatan Times May 18, 2024  The Paraíso community in the municipality of Progreso is the place for showing, preserving, and transmitting to new generations as well as...

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Activities at the House

The House has been busy with Monday bazaars and visits from the junior volunteers and others who come by to see what we are doing! Receiving the donation in March at the weekly bazaar. Enjoy what the kids are doing after getting the malla sombra (shade mesh) made...

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May Dispensas

It was a lovely morning to hand out the dispensas.  People were happy to get their extra treats!  Not many photos!!

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March 2024 Dispensa

Wow seems like so long ago we did the March dispensa.  The folks came early and we were done by 10:30.  We had a visit from one of our donors Dave from Ontario for 2 weeks!!  

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English at Andres Quintana Roo

Another season goes by! And we say adios to Mary and John. These prime organizers have decided to move on to a nw chapter in their lives. So now there are several positions open to keep this program alive. Hold the press!!! Yesterday this came through... Hi again,...

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Activities at the House

The house has been active this month.  The weekly bazaar has been going smoothly and more local folks have been coming to visit! The kids are busy doing Easter eggs to give to the community!  There is aso planning going on for the summer workshop. From the photos you...

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Bingo Season

The weekly bingo event is at an end and it was a successful season!  We averaged about 30-35 players a week and had lots of happy winners go home with smiles!!  Thanks to the staff at La Antigua and the terrific bingo team!!

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Albergue de San Joachim

Mens Group The work this year at the Albergue de San Joaquin was more a series of small projects rather than larger cosmetic ones. We didn't paint any rooms since most looked very well finished from previous years, and from other groups that had done some painting...

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Activities at the House

I botched things up last month and somehow sent incomplete news.  My apologies and will remedy now.  There is a new, interesting mural in the workshop upstairs where Las Mujeres have their work space. The mural was done by Sebatian Clermont from Canada and...

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Bingo Season 2024

Our weekly bingo season is coming to an end mid March due to an early semana santa! Last bingo will be March 20th at La Antigua and the draw for the Walking Stick will be Wed. March 13th. If winner is not in attendance I will store the stick til your return! The...

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Ask a Yucateca: Getting around Mérida on the Cheap ByYesica Benitez February 28, 2024 Kanasín native Yesica Benitez explains the realities of local culture to bewildered expats. Email her at When my foreign friends ask about...

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After one century, Yucatán will finally have enough energy to lower electricity rates written by Yucatan Times January 26, 2024 0 comment After almost 100 years of lag, Yucatán will have enough energy to lower electricity rates in favor of Yucatecan...

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Activities at The House

The house has been busy all month.  What with the Monday bazaars and dispensa every 15th and other activities planned by Carmita and Las Mujeres it is humming!

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Bingo Season 2024

We have started our weekly games at La Antigua for the Chicxulub Food Bank.  I am delighted to say that Jackie continues to be be our lead caller and is looking forward to the weekly game on Wednesdays.   Entire Wednesday event is in support...

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Activities at the Food Bank House

The house has been abuzz with the youth volunteers with Carmita prepping and delivering packages to 2 areas in Yucatan  Above photos show the junior volunteers getting the Dec. 15th dispensas ready along with the Christmas hampers put together by other volunteers. Our...

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Dispensas December 15th

Christmas hampers ready to go!! Well the 15th has come and gone and it was a fine day. Some folks arrived early before the gifts arrived but we will catch up with them. Kris also sent chocolates to hand out to each family and Kitty sent gifts for the ladies!. Jody was...

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Chelem inhabitants demand to stop threats by foreigners written by Yucatan Times December 23, 2023 Residents of the Chelem community demonstrated on the afternoon of December 21 to demand justice for people who were allegedly attacked by a group of foreigners who,...

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Activities at the House

The house has been abuzz with the youth volunteers with Carmita prepping and delivering packages to 2 areas in Yucatan. MISSION VISITS NOVEMBER 2023      Junior Volunteers with Carmita First stop of the Mission Day !  Tusic, Yucatan....

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After Years of Planning, La Plancha Park is Officially Open Parque La Plancha officially opened on the morning of Nov. 19, 2023. Photo: Courtesy If the Biciruta seemed sparsely populated this morning, there’s good reason. Just blocks away, the president of...

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American Thanksgiving DinnerDavid's Restaurante will open for the season on Thursday 23 November A Turkey Dinner with delicious turkey gently cooked in the wood fired oven.,Conchita's delicious mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, gravy and cranberry sauce, Five...

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Activities at the House

The next 2 months we will be busy at the house with powerwashing, painting and landscaping with the help of our volunteers.  The plan is to have an open house in February so one and all can visit and understand better what we keep doing for the community. I will...

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October Dispensas

October was a quiet month with many things proceeding in the "normal" manner.  But once again questions are raised and decisions made.

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